1 answer
How do you know what type of epidemiologist to become?
I’m in middle school and I’ve wanted to be an epidemiologist for a long time. I’ve spent a lot of time looking up random pathogens, and going down rabbit holes. I’m asking because there’s a lot of different types, and I don’t know which one would suit me the best.
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1 answer
Vanessa’s Answer
Look within these fields for your interest: clinical epidemiology, social epidemiology, applied epidemiology and field epidemiology. There are so many jobs out there for epidemiologist, you can work at a health department, a lab, pharmaceutical research or research within an institution or a university. This field is very rewarding, I would tell you to keep researching because you can be more clinical, which will require a medical/clinical degree or more social epi which a degree in public health or biostatistics can help you achieve these types of positions.