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What does it take to become a family lawyer?

Im 13 and I'm middle school since I was nine I wanted to be a family lawyer but I don’t know how to become one.

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Sophia’s Answer

Hey there Carlos, it's great to see your curiosity about becoming a lawyer - that's a fantastic goal! The first step on this journey is to get a 4-year degree in any field you like. After that, you'll need to spend three more years in law school. During law school, you can intern at firms specializing in family law which can lead to permanent employment in the field. But don't worry, there are things you can do right now to prepare. Try to excel in your English classes, they'll be super helpful. And if you can, join a speech or debate class when you reach high school. You might also want to check out free summer law camps. Your high school counselor can give you more information, or you can look them up on Google. Keep up the good work, Carlos!
Thank you comment icon Thank you for commenting and thank you for your advice. I have a follow up question I would like to ask, what would my GPA have to be to get into law school? Carlos
Thank you comment icon Hello Carlos, I recommend doing a Google search on the average GPA required for law school. GPA and LSAT score are both considered when applying to law school. Sophia Green-Ewing
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Job’s Answer

Inorder to become a lawyer you will need to have good grades in high school, extracurricular activities especially community service, and a good grade on the SAT or the ACT for entrance in college.
You'll need good grades in college as well as some extra curricular activities such as volunteering to help the underprivileged, trying to volunteer at a free legal clinic to learn what you can and you also need a strong LSAT score the law school admission test. I heavily advise you to take a course that teaches you how to take the LSAT it is all logic.
After you graduate law school you will have to take the bar exam which is comprised the 26 different fields of law in a two-day test. It was highly unpleasant.
I would advise you to join debate Club for public speaking and learning how to research I would also advise you to try and get some logic classes or philosophy so you can organize things in your head. Good luck