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I go to Crane Middle School and I want to know what are the soft skills that lawyers are required or suggested to have ?

I know they need to be social and loud talkers, but how I do become more social?

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neysa’s Answer

Emery, I highly recommend you kick off by becoming a part of your high school's debate team. By engaging in debates, you'll master the art of public speaking, develop logical thinking, and enhance your real-time communication and reasoning skills. Alongside this, you might want to think about participating in drama or theatre. When I was in high school, I was involved in both activities, and they played a crucial role in sparking my interest in law. Not only did they nurture my reasoning and logical thinking skills, but they also boosted my confidence in public communication. If you're even slightly drawn to the idea of becoming a trial attorney, keep in mind that every courtroom is a stage filled with drama. So, go ahead, embrace these opportunities and pave your way to success!
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Roxana’s Answer

Hi Emery, in addition to the suggestions you've already received to improve your soft skills, if you want to become "more social" I highly recommend you to start practicing any sport. Even if you dont consider yourself a sport person, you can try an easy one, that you enjoy. That will give you the opportunity to know people and start engaging with them socially. An if you dont want to do sport, start attending games, cheering your school team. If you become a regular attendand, you will start feeling part of a community, and the social part will come with that. Give you the opportunity to meet people outside your regular circle. That will help you with law, because your future clients will come from different places-
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Doc’s Answer

Your right Emery in today’s fast-paced world, success in the workplace requires more than just technical expertise and knowledge. As the nature of work continues to evolve, it is important for individuals to possess attributes and abilities that allow them to collaborate with teams and colleagues—otherwise known as soft skills

• ATTENTION TO DETAILS — is a critical skill for any lawyer, regardless of their practice area. Unfortunately, when juggling files and competing demands, it can be challenging to devote the appropriate level of attention to your overall work—to say nothing of actually developing and improving your attention to detail.
• RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS — skills make up the backbone of any successful lawyer’s career. It is simply critical to understand the law and how it applies to your clients’ cases. Take the time to understand the research and analysis tools at your disposal to ensure you conduct your research efficiently and accurately.
• COMMUNICATION — Stellar communication is the conduit for enhanced relationships, which leads to legal proficiency. You must possess exceptional communication skills—in both written and verbal formats. It is not simply an advantage within the legal field but a necessity. Whether explaining complex legalese to a layperson or drafting an air-tight contract, clarity and precision in communication can spell the difference between a triumphant legal outcome and a missed opportunity.
• CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING — a large part of legal work involves creative problem solving. For example, when parties are deadlocked in a negotiation, offering an innovative solution or compromise can spell the difference between success and stalemate. Problem solving—after all, understanding your client’s needs is essential for uncovering what “success” means to them. Take the time to truly understand your clients: not only what their “best case scenario” might be, but also who they are, what they value, and how their case has affected them. You might be surprised what you glean from these conversations and where they lead you when you’re in problem-solving mode.
• TIME MANAGEMENT — Effective time management is also critical in this career field. Typically, lawyers charge for their services on a per-hour basis, which means staying on track during client meetings, mediation, hearings and other tasks during working hours. In addition to scheduling and keeping track of time spent with clients, it's also important to efficiently dedicate time to different tasks of the job, including researching, compiling paperwork or gathering information.
Thank you comment icon Thank you for your response, Doc! Emery
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JOHN’s Answer

Hi, Emery.
You are wise to ask about soft skills. Many can and will recommend the hard skills.

Hard skills are only part of how we humans exercise our intelligence. Nine avenues of learning are available to us, just not always in equal capacities.

Some of us have people smarts; some are self smart; some have word smarts; others have music smarts; others body smarts; others logic smarts; still others are visually smart; some have smarts about nature; and others have smarts about the spiritual world. It's best to explore them all.

Two areas of soft skills are especially important. First, emotional intelligence. Second, self-deception. Daniel Goleman has written two books on these subjects that will help you understand more about yourself and those you might want to counsel as a lawyer.

Let me know if these responses are helpful and ask any follow-up questions that come to mind.

