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What subjects will I do in high school to do apply for accounting in university?

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Xiaojie Johan’s Answer


Thanks for asking! I believe you should fulfill all of your high school requirements in order to apply for accounting at an university. I think the best preparation is to load up on the math classes, do a math activity and do well on the Math section of the SAT/ACT in order to have a shot at a more competitive undergraduate program in accounting. It will definitely increase your chances of getting into a good program, possibly with a scholarship, if you do well in high school.

Good luck!

Best regards,

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Som’s Answer

Hello Sahana,

It's good to hear about your interest in pursuing a career in Accounting. This field has diverse opportunities across private, state, and federal sectors as well as in every industry. To strengthen your foothold in this field, I recommend honing your skills in math and statistics. You can achieve this by enrolling in advanced courses in these subjects. It might also be beneficial to consider a basic accounting class at your local community college.

Additionally, mastering tools like Microsoft Excel and software such as Tableau, SAS, or Python can significantly enhance your skillset. To gain practical experience and a real-world understanding of the accounting profession, consider volunteering or securing an internship with an organization that can provide exposure to the daily tasks of an accountant. This hands-on experience can be invaluable in helping you make informed career decisions.

I hope you find this advice helpful. Stay motivated and keep striving for excellence!
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Michael’s Answer

Hi Sahana,

While in high school, one will need to focus on science and math classes to prepare for a career in Accounting. Physics and chemistry will be the core science courses. For math, algebra, statistics, geometry and calculus will be needed. Other classes to take will be computer science, economics, business, finance and applied technology. The combination of these concentrations will enable you to focus and refine your analytical skills; complex problem solving; investigative and innovative critical thinking; attention to detail and observation skills; etc.

Other skills that will need to be built upon center around team building, team work and communication. In any work culture, collaboration amongst team members, partner departments and clients occur on a daily basis. A college course in public speaking, communications and English will help with one's communication and writing skills since analysis reports are generated and findings are presented to colleagues and other professionals who deal with Accounting. Another recommendation is to seek the advice from your high school guidance counselor and teachers. They can help guide your educational pathway for Accounting.

A Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting will take 4 years to complete at a college or university. Upon completion, one has earned the designation of a Public Accountant (PA). From a public accounting firm, a PA will cover services such as audits, consultations and taxes.

After gaining years of accounting experience, the career path of a PA will lead one to pursue the CPA designation. CPA means Certified Public Accountant. In order to achieve this designation, one has to successfully pass the CPA exam as administered by the American Institute of Certified Public Accounts (AICPA). The CPA exam consists of four parts:

- Auditing and Attestation (AUD)
- Business Environment and Concepts (BEC)
- Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR)
- Regulation (REG)

Additional testing will be dependent upon the State where the CPA will be practicing. Per year, there will be a minimum of 40 hours of professional training for the maintenance of the CPA license. CPAs usually handle financial matters for clients; preparing and filing tax documents and creating detailed financial analysis reports.

According to U.S. News & World Report, here is a list of the top Accounting Programs in the United States:

- University of Texas at Austin
- University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)
- Brigham Young University (Provo)
- Indiana University (Bloomington)
- University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)
- University of Notre Dame
- University of Pennsylvania
- New York University
- University of Southern California
- University of Florida

When reviewing colleges and universities, it is best to check the following:

- In-State vs Out of State Tuition
- Internships
- Scholarships
- Career Placement upon graduation
- Course work and offered classes
- Post-Graduate Degrees - Master and Doctoral

Scholarship applications can start to be submitted during your Junior year and will continue throughout your Senior year in high school. It is best to ask your Academic Advisor/School Counselor on the timeline process as well. Scholarship applications will have specific deadlines and requirements to meet in order to be submitted for review and consideration.

You may want to start to compile your resume/portfolio since a majority of scholarship applications will require academic grade point average (GPA), academic accomplishments, school activities (clubs, sports, etc.), community involvement (volunteer, church, etc.), academic and personal recommendations, etc. There may be essay requirements on why you are a qualified candidate to receive the scholarship, what your future goals are academically and professionally and other questions centering around who you are, your beliefs, etc.

Here are a couple of links for College Scholarships:

Also, it will be best to check with the colleges and universities that you will be applying to. You can check with the School/Department of your desired major, the Campus Career Center and the Register's Office for additional information for college scholarships and grants and specific requirements for qualifications.

Best wishes for your education and future career as an Accountant!
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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Sahana !

It is wonderful that you are interested in accounting !

No matter what classes you take in High School, you can always take Accounting in college. There are some skills that you can work on while in high school as well as take math classes and if your high school offers a Business class (they may even offer an Accounting class) you can take it. Visit your Guidance Office to hear about what classes are available first and then choose classes in math and business if available.

You will want to do activities that will give you experience with some skills that will help you as a future Accountant. You will want to learn how to be adaptable in an ever diverse career, with various and changing clients. Being comfortable with that will be important as an accountant. Sharpen your analytical skills too because you'll have to be very detailed oriented handling a lot of paperwork. Being able to work as a team, collaborating is another skill to sharpen because even though it may seem like you'd be working alone, accountants do interact with co-workers and other accountants. Communication skills are definitely at the top of the list. You will need to explain things to people who are not very aware of complex financial terms and being able to explain information will help the people you are working with and the company as a whole.

Critical thinking skills will be useful because Accountants do encounter errors or discrepancies and knowing how to handle them is necessary. I would also say that being organized and managing your time will be important as well as learning some often used accounting programs. Learn Microsoft Excel and learn how to create and use spreadsheets.

It goes without saying that math and business in high school will give you a good knowledge foundation for being an Accounting Major in college, but as I've mentioned, honing the necessary skills through extracurriculars and volunteer work will greatly enhance your high school years preparing you for college.

I hope this is helpful and I wish you all the best !