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How too choose my career. Have no idea because have been out of high school for so long.

What can I do as an 24 year old lady who feel lost in which career to choose except business administration. because she feel like time as gone and have no idea of where too start

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14 answers

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Cristiano’s Answer

I think a good alternative is to sign up on volunteer work websites, so you can test out some areas and see if you feel identified. When you discover an area that you identify with, take related courses and then you can try to apply for formal vacancies.
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Aydil’s Answer

Hello Olamide!

Being 24 is a wonderful age, brimming with endless possibilities! So, the first thing you need to do is to stop worrying excessively about having your career completely mapped out. Many of us explore a variety of paths before discovering the one that suits us best. Remember, everyone moves at their own pace in life and career. I'm sure you've heard or read about numerous successful people who only embarked on their professional journey in their 40s or even 50s. That's a reality. Naturally, you should begin exploring different avenues. Here are a few suggestions from my personal experience on where to begin. Grab a pen and a piece of blank paper:

Aydil recommends the following next steps:

Have you heard of SWOT analysis? I find it very useful old school way. Divide the paper into 4 sections. Think and write in bullets: in the first section, what are your 'strenghts'. Don't miss anything. Being a good listener or enjoying video games are strengths as well! Second section should be about your 'Weaknesses'. Can you stand kids or loud noises for example? 3rd one is harder: 'Opportunities'. There kicks in the environment you live in, maybe your family even. What are the low hanging fruits for your life? Do you know some people with network in some businesses? The last section is 'Threats'. What are the possible threats surrounds you? For example do you have body limitations, or lifestyle ones? Do you see some choice limitations because of the area you live?
Try to catch patterns in your SWOT. Is there any idea fits all here? Asking people around would be a nice idea! Fresh eyes help. Be openminded here. Don't eliminate anything just because you don't have proper education or so.
There still can be some qualifications you need to earn to get there. Don't think them as roadblocks. Just write them down. These can be your roadmap. You can still study everything at every age.
If you need to earn money fast and feel like this is a long way, just figure out how much time would your 'investment' to that target job takes and how much time do you still make as free ones?
Use your free times for a quick jobs while working on the final state. Don't be scared of the length of the road. Best success stories are long way journeys.
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Graham’s Answer

Hello Olamide,

In addition to everything mentioned above, if you are unsure what you want to do next in your career the best thing you can do is talk to people in a wide array of careers. Look on linkedin and find individuals who are doing your dream job and reach out to learn how they got where they are today. These conversations will give you insights into new career opportunities as well as inform what tactical next steps you may want to take to enter your field / career of choice.
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Som’s Answer

Hello Olamide,
As they say, every journey begins with its first step - and you have taken a great step forward by thinking about this question and then seeking counsel from others. First of all, 24 in today's age of constant learning is not late at all. You have indicated that you have some experience in business administration, that is already widely used both in public and private industries. Here are some suggestions to get you started:
- Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses; try to identify about issues that you feel passionate about - could be service towards others, could be travel, teaching, learning. Start with something broad.
- Once you have identified a couple of areas/issues - think about the kind of skills, training and education that you would need to pursue a career in that field. I would also recommend that you talk to some people who are working on those areas/industries to get a perspective on what are some of the challenges and opportunities in those areas.
- Depending on your situation, try to learn skills and get the education you need to pursue a career in that field
- Start your journey and do not try to think of all the possible obstacles that might hinder progress. History is full of examples of people who have blossomed from almost impossible circumstances, and in fact you can find examples from people close to you too.
So, for you remember the best is yet to come.
All the best.
Thank you comment icon Thank you for sharing your perspective. Olamide
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Olamide!

Choosing a Career Path After High School

Choosing a career can be a daunting task, especially if you feel lost or uncertain about your options. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate this process effectively.

1. Self-Assessment

The first step in choosing a career is to conduct a self-assessment. This involves evaluating your interests, skills, values, and personality traits. Consider the following:

Interests: What activities do you enjoy? Are there subjects that captivate you?
Skills: What are your strengths? Do you excel in communication, problem-solving, creativity, or technical skills?
Values: What is important to you in a job? Is it helping others, financial stability, work-life balance, or opportunities for advancement?
Personality: Are you more introverted or extroverted? Do you prefer working alone or in teams?

You can use various tools and assessments available online, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or Holland Code (RIASEC) test.

2. Research Potential Careers

Once you’ve identified your interests and skills, research potential careers that align with them. Use resources like:

Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH): This resource provides detailed information about various occupations including job duties, education requirements, salary expectations, and job outlook.
CareerOneStop: Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, this site offers tools for exploring careers based on interests and skills.

Make a list of careers that intrigue you and gather as much information as possible about them.

3. Consider Education and Training Options

After narrowing down your choices, consider what education or training is required for those careers. Some fields may require specific degrees or certifications while others may value experience over formal education. Explore options such as:

Community Colleges: They often offer affordable programs that can lead to associate degrees or certificates.
Online Courses: Platforms like Coursera or edX provide courses from accredited institutions that can enhance your knowledge and skills.
Internships/Volunteering: Gaining practical experience through internships or volunteer work can provide insight into a field while building your resume.

4. Network with Professionals

Networking is crucial in understanding different career paths. Reach out to professionals in fields of interest through platforms like LinkedIn or local networking events. Informational interviews can provide valuable insights into daily responsibilities and industry trends.

5. Set Goals and Create an Action Plan

Once you’ve gathered enough information and have clarity on potential career paths, set realistic goals for yourself:

Short-term goals: These could include completing certain courses or gaining relevant experience.
Long-term goals: Define where you want to be in 5–10 years within your chosen field.

Create an action plan outlining steps to achieve these goals along with timelines.

6. Stay Open-Minded and Flexible

Finally, remember that career paths are rarely linear; it’s okay to change direction as you learn more about yourself and the job market. Stay open-minded about new opportunities that may arise.

In conclusion, while feeling lost after high school is common, taking systematic steps towards self-discovery and exploration can lead you toward a fulfilling career path beyond business administration.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used:

1. Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH)
This resource provides comprehensive information on various occupations including job descriptions, educational requirements, salary data, and employment projections which are essential for making informed career choices.

2. CareerOneStop
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, this site offers extensive resources for exploring careers based on personal interests and skills along with tools for job searching and resume building.

3. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
A widely used personality assessment tool that helps individuals understand their personality types which can guide them toward suitable career paths based on their preferences and strengths.

Probability the answer is correct: 95%

God Bless You!
Thank you comment icon Thank you for sharing your perspective. Olamide
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Emma’s Answer

Hi Olamide!

Don't get discouraged - it's ok to not know what you want to do! Business administration has so many different pieces to it, that the courses it requires are robust and cover so many different topics. Especially in the beginning stages of college, most courses are standard and many cover the pre-requisite for many majors. Everyone has to start somewhere. Take the required courses and see what does/doesn't spark your interest. Make sure you are thoughtful in choosing the right elective courses too, because these will also give you a chance to explore different topics that maybe you didn't know you enjoyed. College is all about finding yourself; who you are and what puts that sparkle in your eye. If you don't start somewhere, you'll never which way to go.

You've got this! Start with business administration and the world is your oyster from there! no moment is a wasted moment in this world!
Thank you comment icon I will use this advice as I prepare for my career. Olamide
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Adaobi’s Answer

Choosing a career can feel overwhelming, especially if you've been out of high school for a while. Here are some quick steps to help you get started:

1. Assess Your Interests and Skills: Think about what you enjoy doing and what you're good at. This can help narrow down potential career paths.
2. Research Careers: Look into different careers that match your interests and skills. Consider job outlook, salary, and required education.
3. Seek Guidance: Talk to a career counselor or mentor who can provide personalized advice and support.
4. Gain Experience: Try internships, part-time jobs, or volunteer work in fields you're interested in. This can give you a better idea of what you like.
Thank you comment icon Thank you, Adaobi! Olamide
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Anthony’s Answer

Firstly, it's crucial to let go of any concerns about age. Don't let it become a burden that pulls you down. When I was 24, I transitioned from the U.S. Army with no experience except what I had gained from the military. Subsequently, I pursued college education in a field I discovered while serving - welding. The army had more or less directed me towards welding since my specific skills weren't required in my unit. However, I discovered a profound passion and enthusiasm for welding that I hadn't found in any other field.

What I'm trying to convey is that there's always something in life that captivates you, something you cherish or find fascinating. Aim to chase the top three, whether that involves attending college or obtaining the necessary training for your desired job. College might seem intimidating if you're older than the average student, but I assure you, it's entirely achievable. Start with the advice I've shared, and then touch base. I'm always here to provide any guidance to keep you moving along a positive path. I wish you nothing but the best and eagerly await your update.
Thank you comment icon I appreciate your support, Anthony Olamide
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Anthony’s Answer

Please, note the following, concerning how to choose your career :-
1. Identify a number of businesses/jobs.
2. Consider the interest you have in each of them.
3. Consider the extent of KNOWLEDGE you have in each of them.
4. Build them through a scale of preferences. That is, the best ones coming first .
5. The one that comes first within the list, could be your BEST CHOICE.
Best regards.
Thank you comment icon Thank you, this is amazing! I really needed it. Olamide
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Julia’s Answer

Hello Olamide,

The United States, unlike many other nations, continues to be a place of opportunity for individuals of all ages and backgrounds. A gap of a few years can be seen as a period of acquiring valuable life skills and maturity, which can be beneficial in any future endeavors. San Francisco, in particular, offers numerous opportunities for individuals with non-traditional backgrounds to discover new career paths and experiment until you find the right fit. Embrace this journey of exploration and consider the following steps:

1. Consider joining a community college where you can connect with others who are also navigating their career paths at various life stages.
2. Take stock of your interests, achievements, and role models. Use these insights to identify potential industries, roles, or companies that you might want to explore.
3. Investigate startups that align with your interests. Reach out to their employees on LinkedIn, invite them for a coffee chat, and gradually build a network and sense of community.
4. Researching companies that offer creative avenues for non-traditional workers to join them (for example Linkedin)

By taking these steps, you can actively shape your future career path.
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Norah’s Answer

It's totally normal to feel lost about your career at 24, and it's never too late to find your path! Start by exploring your interests and what makes you happy, even in small ways. Remember, every step you take is a step toward discovering what you love. Here are some specific steps you can take:
Explore Interests: Make a list of things you enjoy or are curious about, like hobbies or subjects you liked in school.
Research Careers: Look up different jobs that align with your interests. Websites like LinkedIn or career quizzes can help you find options.
Network: Talk to people in fields you're interested in. Ask for informational interviews to learn more about their jobs and how they got there.
Try Internships or Volunteer: Gain experience by interning or volunteering in areas that interest you. This can help you build skills and see what you really enjoy.
Set Small Goals: Pick one step to focus on each week, whether it’s researching a new field or reaching out to someone in your network.
Remember, it’s all about taking small steps toward what feels right!
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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Olamide !

Good question. First, please know that you will figure out what you WANT to do and maybe not what you SHOULD do because that's where it starts. With your preferences and choices. It's great that you are contemplating going to college so I will give some advice that I hope you can use.

A good way to figure out what career you may want is to start out by reading your local colleges' websites. I'd assist with that here, but your location is not indicated. Find a list online of all your local colleges and read all of their Majors programs. Look at the courses within each major. See which ones you like and explore them further by registering for an orientation at those colleges. It's fine to be undecided about a career path and time did pass by but know this - you filled it with life experience and that is very important to have.

You're still young. Everyone takes their own journey in their own way and time. My own mother went back to college when she was 40 and she had a wonderful career. It's never too late or early to start a career or going to college. Part of what makes it frustrating is that you are processing thoughts without taking the steps forward. College tours and orientations will help. Reading about various majors at your nearby colleges will help. Thinking about it won't. Cast all doubts aside and know that a special college is waiting for you !

Many students enroll in college not knowing what to major in or which career to set a goal for, but that is fine. My advice is to avoid majors like Liberal Arts or General Studies because even though you put in the work for the degree, those degrees are never requested by employers. You're better off being undecided, taking your required General Education classes and before your Junior year in college, choose a major. That is what is recommended. If you still haven't discovered an interest, meet with the campus Academic Counselor in their office and have a discussion about it. But I think that you can discover the inspiration on your own, it just takes being active with reading up more on various careers, having employment or doing volunteer work and coming here to Career Village and asking online questions for advice as you go along. Be honest with yourself and go for what you love doing. If it's cooking, there's a career for that. If it is child care, there's a career for that. Just make sure you love Business if you go for that because you shouldn't make a decision in haste because you feel you have to. Think about where you see yourself in ten years, what you'd like for your life to be like and that could be a guide to inspiring a career that you will be successful at.

Another way that may help as an active step is to go to as many Job Fairs and Department of Labor workshops and groups that you can. Go to your Department of Labor's website and register to receive notices for trainings, workshops and meetings. Being around other people and being part of a group will perhaps be motivating and helpful. Jobs Fairs can give you an idea of what companies there are and you may come across one that you're interested in. Also tap into the resources of your local Library for events and activities. Inquire about any employment services they may know of or participate in.

So remember, it's perfectly fine to not know a major or career right now, but do not let that prevent you from applying and enrolling in college. This is your special time to finally do what you've wanted to do. Be around positive, supportive people as that will greatly help. You may be undecided because there may be an underlying issue involved, too, so assess the situation and realize that you're really doing this in steps. It's finally time to start focusing on the information for college and break down whatever thought barriers that held you back.

I wish you all the best and if you have any questions about colleges or specific careers, do return here for advice about it. Have a great day !
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much for the advice. Olamide
Thank you comment icon You're welcome :) Michelle M.
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Dustin’s Answer

Dear Olamide,

This is indeed a challenging question and it can be approached from various perspectives. You might consider what you love to do, how to maximize your earnings, or what will bring you the most success. While I cannot decide the best approach for you, I can share my own experience when I faced a similar decision.

Like many people, I began by considering what I would love to do. I had aspirations of becoming a Rockstar, Politician, or Radio Personality. However, I had to be realistic about my capabilities. I am tone and rhythm deaf, which made a career in music impractical. Additionally, I have had a speech impediment since childhood, so a career in radio was not feasible either. While a political career might still be an option, at that time, I did not see myself succeeding in law.

With a family and a newborn to support, I wanted to provide the best possible life for them. Therefore, I shifted my focus to what I could be most successful at. I excelled in math during my school years and received encouragement from teachers and principals to pursue a career in accounting due to my natural aptitude for numbers. Although I did not initially love the idea, I did not dislike it either. Recognizing that accounting aligned well with my abilities, I decided it was the best path for success. Over time, I discovered aspects of accounting that I enjoyed and honed those skills, leading me to my current position. I consider myself fortunate, but I also attribute my success to hard work and dedication. Whatever path you choose, as long as you commit yourself fully, success will follow.

I hope this helps provide clarity and valuable insight as you navigate this important decision.
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Amanda’s Answer

As you navigate the vast seas of career options, remember that your main objective is to anchor yourself in a position that offers financial security. It's just as crucial to discover a job that promotes a harmonious work-life equilibrium, guaranteeing you plenty of space for emotional enrichment beyond the office walls.

Although it's entirely achievable to secure your dream job that caters to both your emotional desires and financial requirements, don't let this be your only target. Losing such a job could potentially shake your emotional health and your means of living. So, strive for equilibrium, a job that satisfies your fundamental needs and provides opportunities for personal development and joy.
Thank you comment icon Thanks for the help. Olamide