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What are considered to be big and small awards for common app?

I am currently a junior and wonder if 2 of my main awards as of now are big or small awards. I was a freshman when I got 2nd out of 56 science fair boards at my school and second in county sophomore year for biochemistry where I was qualified for ISEF. What are some programs or research opportunities in where I could gain valuable awards for common apps and in pursuit of going into the medical field.

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2 answers

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Fazal’s Answer

In the Normal Application, grants are arranged in view of their importance and degree. Here is an overall breakdown of how of all shapes and sizes grants are thought of:

### **Enormous Awards**
1. **National or Worldwide Awards**: These are perceived at a public or worldwide level, for example,
- Public Legitimacy Grant
- Intel Science and Designing Fair Honors
- Academic Workmanship and Composing Grants (Public Level)
- Olympiad Decorations (e.g., Math, Science)
- Global Science Contests or Music Rivalries
2. **Prestigious Scholarships**: Grants like:
- Coca-Cola Grant
- Doors Thousand years Grant
- QuestBridge Public School Match
3. **Major Authority/Administration Awards**: Models include:
- Hawk Scout
- Young lady Scout Gold Honor
- President's Worker Administration Grant (Gold Level)
- Model UN Best Representative at Public Gatherings

### **Little Awards**
1. **School or Nearby Awards**: Acknowledgments intended for your secondary everyday schedule, as:
- Honor Roll or Chief's Rundown
- Generally Improved or MVP in a school sports group
- Banter Club Grants at an everyday schedule level
- Neighborhood Composing or Workmanship Challenges
2. **Department or Class-Explicit Awards**:
- Math or Science Understudy of the Year
- Best Article in English Class
- Greatness in Music at a school level
3. **Regional Competitions**: Grants that are just perceived provincially, for example,
- Local Science Fairs
- Region/City Sports Titles
- Nearby People group Administration Acknowledgment

While posting these honors in the Normal Application, it's critical to give setting that shows the degree of acknowledgment, particularly for more modest honors.
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Kevin’s Answer

Hi Sammy,

The Common App honors section is for academic honors, but it can also include extracurricular honors. Some examples of awards you can include in the honors section include:
Academic awards: National Merit Scholar, AP Scholar, and honor societies

Extracurricular honors: Art awards, debate team rankings, and Model UN awards

Athletic achievements: Winning a championship, setting a record, or receiving "Most Valuable Player" honors

Community service or leadership recognition: Being named Volunteer of the Year or leading a fundraising campaign
Scholarships: Merit-based or academic scholarships

I would categorize these as "big awards" because they are the most prestigious of the awards/ distinctions a high schooler can earn, but there are likely others I have not listed.

If you want to go into medicine, volunteer at a hospital or a research lab, take lots of science courses (including virtual ones offered by online schools like FLVS/ Florida Virtual School, for example) and think of other things you want to do! I believe in you.

