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How do I know that am not making a mistake when in comes to letting people decide my future for me.

I'm in 9th grade and in the near Future,I wish to become a data analyst but my dad said I must not study it and it's making me sad.

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Paul’s Answer

If you are involved in something that you love to do, are not conflicted with the decision, and are motivated to maintain your efforts in achieving the goal, then it is probably right.

But, if you are not happy with the plan, basically dislike what is happening and are not motivated to achieve the goal, then it is not for you.

Ultimately, you will need to eventually make your own decisions in life, so your input and approval is needed in any plan involving your future.
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Biplab’s Answer

I can sympathize with this. I wanted to be a fighter pilot, but my parents wanted to be a surgeon.

Was able to convince them that I wouldn't be an effective surgeon if I wasn't invested in or motivated to be doing work that could have literally life-or-death consequences for patients, but not to the point that I got my way either.

However, being able to show your parents that you have a plan that you've thought about that you're passionate about and has realistic prospects for economic success (which was my parents' main concern) can let you find a compromise third path. This is how I was able to switch to an Economics focus, and I love what I do now.

These are tough conversations to go through, but hang in there.
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Mary Patrice’s Answer

Hi, Sasha! I totally get how frustrating it can be when you’re excited about something, and it feels like others don’t quite get it. In the end, it’s your life, so you get to decide how you want to handle it. I’m not sure what your home life is like, but it might help to try and see things from your dad’s point of view and find some common ground.

One way to bridge that gap is to show him what data analysts actually do. Have a relaxed chat with him. Share some interesting projects or real-world examples to help him understand better. Sometimes seeing the details can really make a difference. Explain why data analysis excites you and how you see it fitting into your future. Your enthusiasm and vision might help him see things from your perspective.

In the meantime, there are plenty of ways to dive into this field and prove you’re serious. Look for data analysis workshops or webinars—they’re great for learning and meeting others who share your interests. Volunteering for local organizations that need help with data can also give you valuable experience and help them out.

Internships, even unpaid ones, are a great way to get a taste of the field and build your resume. Part-time jobs related to data analysis can also provide hands-on experience and a bit of extra cash.

Connecting with people in the field, whether through online forums or local meetups, can be really useful. It’s a chance to network and get advice from those who’ve been in your shoes. Online courses or certifications can also boost your skills and confidence.

Starting personal projects with available datasets can be a fun way to practice and showcase what you can do. And if you can find someone in the industry to mentor you, that’s another fantastic way to learn. By doing any of these things, you can show him that a career as a Data Analyst is both practical and achievable.

Balancing your passion with family advice can be tricky, but keep pursuing what you love and try to maintain open communication with your dad. Take your time with it. It’s all part of the journey, and stay focused. I hope this helps!
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Hailey’s Answer

Hi Sasha, your question is indeed a great one. It can be quite disheartening when people, particularly parents, don't support your dreams. However, remember that you're in the 9th grade and there's plenty of time for you to explore and decide what you truly want to do. Your interests may even evolve over time. If your passion for becoming a data analyst still burns bright by the 11th grade, I'd recommend researching more about the career prospects, the education needed, and the relevant courses that could guide you towards your goal. It's crucial to establish a healthy relationship with your family, letting them know about your aspirations. While they may influence your present decisions, always remember that your future is in your hands. It's your journey to embark on, filled with exciting possibilities.
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Sean’s Answer

Hello Sasha!

This is a very good question. Highschool is the point of your life where you finally begin to spread your wings and make decisions for yourself that can be life altering. While your parents still have a say in what you do, it's important that you start establishing boundaries to assure that you have a say in what direction your life goes in. I'm sure your father has done an amazing job raising you and preparing you for the future, and he should continue being a valuable resource to you, but if you know deep in your heart that you want to pursue a career as a data analyst, then you need to make sure no one can deter you from that. Hope this helps!

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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. I am glad that you have started to think about your career. Below is my suggestions:
1. It is not necessary to decide your career immediately. You can do more research. Think about what you have interest first and identify the related careers
Eg if you like music, would you like to be a musician, singer, musical artist, music composer, music producer, etc
If you have interest in maths, would you like to be an accountant, engineer, banker, financial analyst, maths teacher, etc
2. Find out more on these careers and determine what you have interest
3. Speak to someone who are working in these careers. Seek guidance from your mentor, school career counselor, etc
4. Shortlist 1-2 careers you would like to pursue
5. Have an open discussion with your father explaining to him om your rationale choosing the careers and show him the research you have done. Believe he is willing to listen and discuss with you.
Hope this helps!
May Almighty God bless you!