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What kind of a career in business should I pursue?

I consider myself an "advocate" personality, meaning I would best be suited being creative, helping out my team, and collaborating with others rather than working at a computer all day.

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Garima’s Answer

Hi Theodore,

Good question!It’s really great that you already know you have an “advocate” personality and want to focus on creativity, collaboration, and helping others. These are fantastic qualities to build a career around. Let’s dive a little deeper and use some techniques to help guide your choice.

1. SWOT Analysis: This is a great place to start.

Think about your natural abilities—like creativity, problem-solving, and working well with others.

Are there any areas you struggle with, like handling too much solo work or long hours at a desk?

Look for careers where collaboration and creativity are key—think about roles in Marketing, Consulting, or Project Management.

Consider what might get in your way, like jobs that don’t allow much creativity or team interaction.

Example: If your strength is creativity and teamwork, but your weakness is solo work, something like Marketing Strategist or HR Manager might suit you, where collaboration is essential.

2. Venn Diagram Technique: This technique involves creating a diagram with three circles:

What You Love (working with people, being creative)

What You’re Good At (communication, leadership)

What You Can Be Paid For (business strategy, team management).

The overlap could point to careers like Brand Manager, Business Development, or even Sales Leadership, where you get to interact, lead, and problem-solve.

3. Passion-Purpose-Profession-Prosperity Framework: This framework helps you look at different aspects of a fulfilling career:

What excites you? If it’s working with people and solving creative challenges, look for roles where that’s the focus.

What impact do you want to have? Maybe you want to help teams succeed or shape a company’s creative direction.

What industries could offer this? Marketing, PR, or Human Resources are just a few where you could make a real difference.

What are you skilled at that could make you successful? Think about leadership, communication, and creative strategy.

4. Try the "10-Year Vision" Technique: Picture where you’d like to be in 10 years—what does your daily work look like? Are you leading a team? Working on creative projects? Once you’ve got that vision, work backward to figure out which roles can help you get there. Maybe that’s a Creative Director role or a Team Manager in a business that values innovation.

By reflecting on these techniques, you’ll start to see a clearer picture of which business paths align with your personality. With your advocate mindset, roles that let you collaborate, lead, and make a positive impact are probably going to be the best fit. Go after what excites you, and you’ll find the right path.

I hope this helps.
Best of luck. You’ve got this!
Thank you comment icon You rock! This advice is very helpful. Theodore
Thank you comment icon Love this answer as it provides great direction and foundation for a person with a Collaborative personality seeking a career advice. John Fater
Thank you comment icon Hello John Fater, Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m really glad to hear that. ☺ Garima Lajras
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Theodore!

Career Paths in Business for an Advocate Personality

When considering a career in business that aligns with your “advocate” personality, it is essential to focus on roles that emphasize creativity, teamwork, and collaboration. Advocate personalities often thrive in environments where they can contribute to the greater good, support their colleagues, and engage in meaningful interactions. Below are several career paths that may suit your preferences:

1. Human Resources (HR) Specialist

Human resources is a field that requires strong interpersonal skills and a commitment to fostering a positive workplace culture. As an HR specialist, you would be responsible for recruiting talent, developing employee training programs, and implementing policies that promote employee well-being. This role allows for creativity in designing initiatives that enhance team dynamics and collaboration.

Key Responsibilities:
Recruitment and onboarding of new employees
Developing training and development programs
Mediating conflicts and facilitating communication between team members

2. Marketing Manager

Marketing is inherently creative and collaborative, making it an excellent fit for advocate personalities. In this role, you would work closely with various teams—such as sales, product development, and design—to create marketing strategies that resonate with target audiences. Your ability to understand consumer needs and collaborate with others will be invaluable.

Key Responsibilities:
Developing marketing campaigns across multiple channels
Conducting market research to identify trends
Collaborating with creative teams to produce engaging content

3. Project Manager

Project management involves overseeing projects from inception to completion while ensuring effective communication among team members. This role requires strong organizational skills but also relies heavily on collaboration and teamwork. As a project manager, you would facilitate meetings, encourage input from all stakeholders, and ensure everyone is aligned toward common goals.

Key Responsibilities:
Planning project timelines and deliverables
Coordinating tasks among team members
Monitoring progress and adjusting plans as necessary

4. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Manager

If you are passionate about making a positive impact on society through business practices, consider a career in corporate social responsibility. CSR managers develop strategies that align business operations with social values while collaborating with various departments to implement these initiatives effectively.

Key Responsibilities:
Designing sustainability programs
Engaging with community stakeholders
Reporting on the company’s social impact efforts

5. Business Development Representative

In this role, you would focus on building relationships with potential clients or partners to drive growth for the organization. This position requires excellent communication skills and the ability to collaborate effectively with sales teams while being creative in finding new opportunities.

Key Responsibilities:
Identifying potential business opportunities
Networking at industry events
Collaborating with marketing teams to generate leads


In summary, there are numerous career paths within the business sector that align well with your advocate personality traits—emphasizing creativity, collaboration, and helping others. Roles such as HR specialist, marketing manager, project manager, CSR manager, or business development representative can provide fulfilling opportunities where you can leverage your strengths effectively.

The probability that this answer is correct is high due to the alignment of suggested careers with established personality frameworks like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which categorizes advocate personalities under INFJ or similar types known for their collaborative nature.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used in Answering this Question

1. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
The MBTI framework provides insights into different personality types including advocate personalities (INFJ), helping individuals understand suitable career paths based on their traits.

2. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
The BLS offers comprehensive data on various occupations including job descriptions, responsibilities, salary information, and projected job growth which aids in understanding potential career choices.

3. Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
SHRM provides resources related to human resource careers including best practices for recruitment and employee engagement strategies relevant for those interested in HR roles.

God Bless You!
Thank you comment icon Thank you for the advice. Theodore
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Chinedum’s Answer

Given your self-portrayal as a personality that champions creativity, collaboration, and the welfare of others, there are numerous business career avenues that could perfectly suit your unique traits:
-Human Resources
Embarking on a career in human resources would offer you a platform to interact closely with people and champion their needs. As an HR specialist, you could:
Initiate and establish employee engagement activities
Resolve conflicts and enhance workplace atmosphere
Recruit and integrate new team members
Formulate training and development schemes
Your compassionate nature and passion for helping others would be precious commodities in this role.
-Training and Development Manager
This role blends creativity, teamwork, and a commitment to fostering professional growth in others. As a training manager, you would:
Craft and execute engaging training schemes
Team up with various departments to pinpoint skill deficiencies
Guide employees and aid them in realizing their potential
Evaluate the effectiveness of learning initiatives
Your innovative problem-solving abilities and knack for connecting with people would be highlighted in this role.
-Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Manager
For those who wish to effect positive change through business, CSR could be an ideal pathway. In this capacity, you might:
Formulate sustainability and community outreach schemes
Team up with nonprofits and community organizations
Establish employee volunteer opportunities
Assess and report on social impact initiatives
This career enables you to harmonize business objectives with social and environmental causes.
-Project Manager
Project management presents opportunities for creativity, teamwork, and problem-solving. As a project manager, you would:
Guide diverse teams towards achieving business goals
Conceive innovative solutions to complex issues
Enable communication among various stakeholders
Inspire team members and resolve conflicts
Your talent for visualizing the broader perspective while connecting with individuals would be invaluable here.
-Entrepreneur or Small Business Owner
For those who yearn for independence and the pursuit of their passion, entrepreneurship can be fulfilling. As a business owner, you could:
Establish a company culture that reflects your values
Create products or services that effect positive change
Forge meaningful relationships with customers and employees
Enjoy the liberty to implement creative concepts
This pathway allows you to fully express your creativity and passion for helping others.
By exploring one of these business careers, you can harness your strengths as an advocate personality while relishing a collaborative, people-centric work environment. Bear in mind that many of these roles provide avenues for growth and specialization as you accumulate experience in the field.
Thank you comment icon I appreciate you taking the time to answer this. Theodore
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John’s Answer

The world of careers is teeming with opportunities for teamwork, presenting you with a vast array of options.

As an experienced Project Manager, I assure you that the realm of project management thrives on collaboration and communication. It's a dynamic dance with Point of Contact (POC) team members from diverse stakeholder groups involved in a project. Not only does it call for robust organizational skills, but it also demands the finesse to negotiate and a deep understanding of human psychology.

You need to grasp the objectives of each stakeholder group and comprehend what their respective POCs are receptive to or favor. It's through these vital conversations with the various POCs that you can align everyone's goals, propelling the project towards successful implementation.

Here are some of the core responsibilities you'll embrace:

1. Crafting strategic plans
2. Scheduling tasks and timelines
3. Managing resources and mitigating risks
4. Facilitating clear and effective communication
5. Solving problems with creativity and resilience
6. Tracking and monitoring the project's progress
7. Evaluating performance and outcomes
8. Reporting the project's status with transparency and accuracy

Remember, every challenge is an opportunity for growth. So, dive in and let your journey to success begin!
Thank you comment icon I appreciate this, thank you for the advice. Theodore
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Chris’s Answer

Great question. There are many opportunities to work in teams and to help others. Teaching in a school, healthcare, legal, construction and so many more. Think about what your other interests are to further refine the direction you might take. As you narrow these down, take classes in these areas to see which areas might interest you even more.
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much, Chris! Theodore
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deborah’s Answer

Hello Theodore! Very interesting question. If you are excited about being creative, then a marketing or advertising career may be worth looking into. Also, if you like people, then maybe a sales career may be interesting to you?

In business, marketing is interesting because you help create products and services for customers. Advertising is creative in developing messaging that can attract and inform customers. Sales is really about helping other businesses solve problems or take advantage of new opportunities.

I hope my answer is helpful to you!
Thank you comment icon Thank you for the advice, deborah. Theodore
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Biplab’s Answer

It sounds like customer-facing (retail, food, sales) or even business development opportunities may be a good fit for you.
Thank you comment icon I appreciate this, thank you for the advice. Theodore
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Stephanie’s Answer

Healthcare could be a great choice for you! It's filled with opportunities to support others and work as part of a team. While it does involve some computer work, it doesn't mean you'll be glued to the screen all day. It could be just the right balance for you!
Thank you comment icon Thank you! Theodore
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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. I am glad to hear that you have interest in business and have outgoing character. In fact, there are many careers that you can deal with people and creative, eg marketing, advertising, public relationship, media, etc.
Below are my suggestions:
1. In addition to my suggestions above, you can find out more careers. There are plenty of information online.
2. Find out more on these careers and determine what you have interest
3. Speak to someone who are working in these careers. Seek guidance from your mentor, school career counselor, your parents, etc
4. Shortlist 1-2 careers you would like to pursue
5. Explore the entry criteria of relevant subjects in colleges
Hope this helps! Good luck!
May Almighty God bless you!
Thank you comment icon Thank you for taking the time to help. Theodore
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Steven’s Answer

Lots of options that provide a team setting where you can be creative. I think it might partly depend on what you deem creative. Designing a financial solution for retirees might be considered as creative as graphic design. Perhaps narrow it down by seeing what areas you're really interested in. I find business interesting requiring creativity and team work.
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much! Theodore
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Amanda’s Answer

As you explore various career options, always keep in mind that your primary goal is to land a job that ensures financial stability. Equally important is finding a role that encourages a balanced work-life harmony, giving you ample time for personal enjoyment outside of your professional commitments.

Absolutely, it's possible to discover your dream job that satisfies both your emotional needs and financial necessities. However, don't make this your sole aim. Losing such a job could impact not only your emotional well-being but also your financial security. Therefore, aim for a well-rounded approach, a job that meets your basic needs and offers room for personal growth and happiness.
Thank you comment icon This is so true! Thanks for sharing 👍 Theodore