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As a High Schooler, how can I conduct scientific research with a professor or professional?

I'm currently in 10th grade and interested in biology. I want to partner with somebody like a professor or scientist to conduct or help them with research. Does anyone have some tips/info on how to do this?

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3 answers

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Mbah Wai-Tanyi’s Answer

That's great to hear that you're interested in conducting scientific research! Partnering with a professor or professional can be a fantastic way to gain hands-on experience and learn from experts in the field. Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. *Reach out to local universities*: Look for biology departments at nearby universities and explore their faculty members' research interests. Find someone whose work aligns with your interests.
2. *Contact professors directly*: Send an email or message introducing yourself, explaining your interests, and inquiring about potential research opportunities.
3. *Highlight your strengths*: Share your academic achievements, relevant coursework, and any previous research experience (if applicable).
4. *Be clear about your goals*: Express your desire to learn and contribute to their research, and ask about potential projects or tasks you can assist with.
5. *Be flexible*: Be open to various research topics and tasks, and willing to learn new skills.
6. *Consider internships or volunteer work*: Many universities offer internships or volunteer opportunities for high school students. This can be a great way to get your foot in the door.
7. *Science fairs and competitions*: Participate in science fairs and competitions to showcase your research skills and potentially catch the attention of professors or professionals.
8. *Network*: Attend science events, seminars, and conferences to meet professionals in your desired field.
9. *Be professional*: Treat your communication and interactions with professors and professionals as you would in a professional setting.
10. *Follow up*: If you don't hear back, send a polite follow-up email to inquire about potential opportunities.

Additionally, explore programs like:

- *Science Talent Search* (STS)
- *Intel Science Talent Search* (ISTS)
- *National Science Foundation's* (NSF) *Research Experiences for Undergraduates* (REU) program (some programs accept high school students)
- *Local science museums or research institutes*

Remember to stay committed, persistent, and patient throughout the process. Good luck!
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Cory’s Answer

I think the best approach would be to do some homework and call them directly.

Too many professionals work and may not mentor. To find a mentor read this;,Keep%20trying!

Thought it was a good starting point.
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Vas’s Answer

Consider seeking assistance from your teachers or counselor to find a mentor. You can also use online resources to help you write papers. Here are some useful links:


Best of luck!