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What resources do i need to be a game developer?

Hi i am a software engineering student . Recently i had started taking interest in game development after getting begginner level knowledge of unity i started to work on a game to practice my skill but i was never able to complete it if i solve one thing other things get ambiguous i was confused to alevel that i thought of quitting. Also ine thing i lack is i think it is good to work in a team for game dev which i am not able to find and i also find need of mentorship. Also do suggest me a course or learning pathway that leads to building a game so that i can boost my confidence. All the advices related to game dev would be much appreciated.

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Chinyere’s Answer

Hello Tasawar,

It’s great that you’ve started exploring game development! Many developers go through similar struggles when learning game dev—it's a complex process, but there are ways to approach it that can help. Here's a roadmap, along with resources and tips:

Learning Pathway for Game Development:

1. Strengthen Your Foundation:
- Programming Skills: Since you already know Unity, make sure you're comfortable with C#. A good resource to deepen your knowledge is Programming for Unity Game Development Specialization by Coursera.
- Game Engines: Keep learning Unity. You can also explore Unreal Engine (C++-based) to understand other frameworks, as both engines are widely used in the industry.

2. Understand Game Development Concepts:
- Game Mechanics: Learn how physics, lighting, animations, and AI work in games. A great free resource is "" on Udemy or "GDC Vault" for insights into game mechanics.
- Level Design: This is crucial in making the game playable. Focus on UI/UX and player interactions.

3. Structured Learning Pathways:
- Unity Learn: Unity has its own platform with "Unity Learn," which offers structured lessons and tutorials to build different kinds of games, including 2D and 3D.
- Coursera: There are game development specializations like "Game Design and Development Specialization" from Michigan State University, which offers a well-rounded curriculum, covering game development from idea to production.
- Udemy: Try courses like "Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D" by on Udemy to get hands-on experience.

4. Find a Community or Team:
- Join Game Jams: Participating in game jams (like "Global Game Jam" or "Ludum Dare") can help you find teams and collaborate in a time-bound environment.
- Discord Groups/Reddit: Look for game development communities on Discord or Reddit (e.g., r/gamedev). These communities often have channels for finding team members and mentors.
- Networking: Look for local or online game development meetups via "" or "IGDA (International Game Developers Association)" chapters. You can find fellow developers to collaborate with or get mentorship.

5. Work in Teams:
- Teamwork is valuable in game development, but even if you can’t find a team, work with artists, sound designers, or writers online. Sites like "" and "IndieDB" offer opportunities to connect with people.

6. Mentorship and Guidance:
- GameDev Mentors: Platforms like "MentorCruise" or reaching out to developers on LinkedIn for mentorship can help guide your learning.
- Feedback: Post your progress on forums like "", "TIGSource", or even the Unity forums to get feedback.

7. Courses:
- Coursera – Unity Certified Programmer: This provides a more in-depth look at building Unity projects from scratch.
- Udemy– Unreal Engine C++ Developer: Learn Unreal if you want to broaden your skills.

8. Keep Your Projects Small:
- Start with small, manageable projects. Completing a small game (even simple ones like Pong or Flappy Bird clones) can give you the confidence boost you need.

9. Project Management Tools:
- Use tools like "Trello", "Asana", or "HacknPlan" to manage your game development tasks, track progress, and set achievable goals.

By following a structured pathway and getting involved with a community, you’ll be able to continue your game development journey with confidence. Don’t be afraid of challenges—they're part of the learning process!

Best wishes!
Thank you comment icon Thank you, Chinyere for the advice. Tasawar
Thank you comment icon You are welcome! Chinyere Okafor
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Tasawar!

Resources Needed to Become a Game Developer

1. Fundamental Knowledge and Skills

To become a proficient game developer, you need to build a solid foundation in several key areas:

Programming Languages: Familiarity with programming languages is crucial. C# is essential for Unity development, while C++ is often used in Unreal Engine. Understanding scripting languages like Python can also be beneficial for certain tasks.

Game Design Principles: Learn the fundamentals of game design, including mechanics, dynamics, and aesthetics (MDA framework). Understanding how players interact with games and what makes games enjoyable is vital.

Mathematics and Physics: A good grasp of mathematics (especially algebra, geometry, and calculus) and physics principles will help you understand game mechanics better and implement features like collision detection or movement physics.

2. Development Tools

You will need access to various tools that facilitate game development:

Game Engines: Unity and Unreal Engine are the two most popular game engines. Unity is user-friendly for beginners and has extensive documentation. Unreal Engine offers high-quality graphics capabilities but has a steeper learning curve.

Version Control Systems: Learning to use version control systems like Git is important for managing changes in your codebase, especially when working in teams.

Graphics Software: Familiarize yourself with graphic design software such as Blender for 3D modeling or Adobe Photoshop for 2D art assets.

3. Learning Pathways

To structure your learning effectively:

Online Courses: Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, or edX offer courses specifically tailored to game development. Look for courses on Unity or Unreal Engine that include hands-on projects.

Books and Tutorials: Consider reading books such as “The Art of Game Design” by Jesse Schell or “Game Programming Patterns” by Robert Nystrom. Online tutorials on platforms like YouTube can also provide practical insights into specific problems you may encounter.

Project-Based Learning: Start small by creating simple games (like Pong or Tetris) before moving on to more complex projects. This approach allows you to apply what you’ve learned incrementally.

4. Teamwork and Mentorship

Collaboration is often key in game development:

Join Communities: Engage with online communities such as Reddit’s r/gamedev or Discord servers focused on game development. These platforms can help you find collaborators or mentors who can guide you through challenges.

Participate in Game Jams: Events like Ludum Dare or Global Game Jam encourage teamwork under time constraints, allowing you to meet other developers while honing your skills through practical experience.

Seek Mentorship Programs: Look for mentorship programs offered by organizations focused on technology education or local universities that may have connections within the industry.

5. Building Confidence

To boost your confidence as a developer:

Set Achievable Goals: Break down your projects into smaller tasks that are manageable and achievable within short time frames. Completing these tasks will give you a sense of accomplishment.

Iterate on Feedback: Share your work with peers or online communities to receive constructive feedback which can help improve your skills over time.

By following these steps and utilizing the resources mentioned above, you’ll be well-equipped to advance in your journey toward becoming a successful game developer.

Probability the answer is correct: 95%

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used in Answering this Question:


An online learning platform offering courses from top universities covering various aspects of game development including programming languages and design principles.

Unity Documentation

The official documentation provides comprehensive guides on using Unity effectively along with tutorials that cater to different skill levels.

Game Development Stack Exchange

A Q&A community where experienced developers share their knowledge about various challenges faced during game development, providing real-world solutions and advice.

God Bless!