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What are some challenges that comes with being an Artist in college??

What are some challenges that comes with being an Artist in college.

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Garima’s Answer

Hey Taron,

Good question!Being an artist in college is super exciting, but I totally get that it comes with its own set of challenges. Here are a few you might run into:

1. Balancing Time:
I know how hard it can be to juggle classes, assignments, and still find time for your personal art projects. It can feel like there are never enough hours in the day, but with a little planning, you can make it work.

2. Creative Blocks:
Trust me, we’ve all been there. Sometimes the pressure of deadlines can mess with your creativity. Just remember, it's okay to take breaks and let inspiration come naturally it always does eventually.

3. Handling Criticism:
For me sometimes feedback can feel tough, especially when it’s about something as personal as your art. But it’s part of growing and improving.

4. Budgeting for Supplies:
This one is frustrating to me because art supplies can definitely get expensive. I’ve had to get creative with finding affordable options, and sometimes I have to work with what I have.

5. Feeling of that everyone is better than you:
It may not resonate with everyone but I have experienced it because there were many talented students and I used to compare myself.

6. Networking:
Building connections can feel intimidating, especially if you're more on the introverted side. But honestly, just being yourself and showing genuine interest in others goes a long way.

Remember, every challenge you face in college is an opportunity to grow as an artist. Take it one step at a time, and believe in your talent.

I hope this helps.
Best of Luck!
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Mary Patrice’s Answer

Hello, Taron! I’m happy to help with your question. One of the biggest challenges I faced in college was managing my time. Balancing classes, studio work, and personal projects often felt overwhelming. The financial side was tricky too; art supplies and other essentials can add up quickly.

Creative blocks were also common. The pressure to keep producing sometimes made it hard to feel inspired. While feedback is important for growth, it can be tough to hear, especially when you’re invested in your work. Self-doubt often sneaks in, and finding your unique voice while meeting expectations can feel tricky.

One piece of advice I’d share is to connect with your network. Building relationships with your teachers and classmates can provide valuable support. I would try using LinkedIn or ArtStation to connect with professionals and other artists online. Seek mentorship—teachers have great insights that can help your work. Collaborating with classmates can also inspire new ideas.

Make the most of available resources—attend workshops, use studio time, and participate in critique sessions. These experiences can really help you grow as an artist. Embrace the journey; every challenge is a step toward improving your craft!
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Rebecca’s Answer

For me, Art reviews and in class criticism could be harsh. But the feedback you get does help you improve as an artist and you will get thicker skin. But the first few times getting hard criticism can sting. It gets easier and nothing in your career will be as harsh as what a professor might say.

Rebecca recommends the following next steps:

listen to feedback with an open mind
ask eers their honest opinion about your work
don’t let it discourage you
work to make improvements to your art
draw every day