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How to publish my first Novel?

How to publish my first novel?

This question is for future reference, but I also wanted to know if I could publish my first novel while I'm only a freshman in high school.

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Catelyn’s Answer


There are two main paths to getting your work published: traditional publishing houses and self-publishing. If you decide to follow the traditional route, be aware that the chances of actually getting published can be quite slim. However, don't let these odds discourage you from submitting your novel. You may face numerous rejections, but the key is to persevere.

In my personal experience, self-publishing may not be the most effective route, and I would hesitate to recommend it. However, others may have different experiences and opinions on this matter.

Additionally, I would encourage you to explore other publishing opportunities. Look for literary journals that cater to high school or undergraduate works, depending on your educational path. Consider submitting a portion of your novel to these journals. From my experience interning at a literary journal, you might even receive valuable feedback on your work.

Catelyn recommends the following next steps:

Research your options for publishing
Get involved in the local literary scene
Be prepared to workshop your piece four, five, maybe six times.
Be resilient in the face of rejection
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Marguerite’s Answer

Man, there are a few ways you can do this. Self-publishing is the easiest way to have a book get out there. The drawback to this is that you're responsible for all of the marketing. I've known writers to get burned out doing this. Their social media presence requires their full attention.

You could send a query to a publisher. This will take time and you'll probably end up with a lot of rejections. Rejections are normal and mean nothing in the big picture. The trick is finding a publisher who thinks your work will fit in with what they're selling. So really look into whatever publishers you're thinking about and see if you fit.

Then there's getting an agent. This requires querying and time, but the agent will do all the work to sell you. I've heard that agents and publishers like writers who already have a big social media presence. Like, they have readers and so many followers. It shows them (kinda) that you have appeal.

I've read stories of high schoolers publishing in high school. Go for it. I would've done it if the resources existed when I was in high school.

You'll need an editor or beta reader to go over your manuscript to catch the inevitable bugs and snags. Pick someone you trust to give you good, intelligent feedback. It doesn't matter if they love or hate it: can they see the story you are telling and if not, how can they help you tell it better.

Good luck. Remember, you're a better writer than you think you are and ignore anyone who tells you otherwise.
