Career questions tagged arts
How do I enter the entertainment industry through hard work and talent?
I want to become a director of some sort of entertainment media but I often get the sense that to even get an opportunity you have to be well connected to powerful or influential people. I know talent isn't always the most important factor to getting noticed, but, is there a way to become a leader in the entertainment industry through self made opportunities? If so, what are the most effective steps to take?
What are the requirements for acting? How long does it take to make it into the main stage of acting like doing movies with Blumhouse, Universal Pictures, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, and etc?
How long does grind short film movies take to get recognized by the big production studios? How long does the process take.. does it take no process does your short film have to go viral to be recognized?
What are the pressures for this type of job?
What are the pressures for this type of job? On a typical day in this position, what do you do? What skills are essential for success in your position? How do you create motivation for yourself?
where can I find a low -paying summer internship for beginner fashion designers?
Where can I find low-paying summer internships for beginner fashion designers in Houston, Texas, that will help me learn all aspects of fashion design? am in 9th grade and am trying to pursue my career in fashion designer
How can I start my singing journey??
Hello!! I'm 12 years old I wanna be a singer when I'm older, I songwrite and been songwriting for a while now and I have 70 songs that I wrote this month alone and I can sing I'm a choir kid but I don't know how I can start doing it publicly(as in like how can I become a singer like signing up for records or whatever I wanna plan now so I know whatta do in the future Im really passionate about being a singer
How can I choose a good college option for interior design? Can I also have a course for event planning while in college?
Hello, I am looking for colleges for interior design that are available for me to come over and visit the campus. I am in Colorado and a Junior in high school currently. I want to know if I can also take a course so I can start party planning while in college. Thank you.
How can I find the right college for me based on my interests?
I am only just starting to explore my career path because I'm only in the seventh grade, but I am quite interested in learning about my career. I am interested in the performing arts, fashion industry, dance, and illustration. I would like to find the right major and college for me, doing what I'm most interested in. I like larger universities, and if they focus on the arts. If you have any recommendations, let me know. I also don't want to be crazy far from home, but some distance would be nice. I would like to be able to drive home from college for breaks, and have it be no longer than an eight hour drive. I live in Massachusetts.
How to sell my novel to someone ?
I am Noah by name I am looking for a scholarship program for novel writer where I can write my novels and put it there so that I can sell my novel I am in need of the scholarship so that I can be with you so the novel and use it to pay for some of my school fees in my schooling thank you I need someone who can tell me some scholarship program I can do so some of my novel
Where should I start in pursuing Illustration/Cartooning/Art in Texas?
Hello, I am a sophomore in high school. I want to be an 2D Animator or Illustrator when I grow up, however I live in Texas with the rest of my immediate family. There are not many opportunities I have found for colleges and job opportunities relating to 2D Animation or Illustration in Texas. I really want the college I attend to have a drawing heavy art major instead of a painting heavy art major, but I can’t find a college in or near Texas that provides that. Can you guys help me?
Seeking Scholarships for Creative Writing or Drawing?
Hi everyone, I’m an undergraduate student looking for scholarships specifically for creative writing or drawing. If you know of any opportunities, competitions, or grants that support these fields, I’d really appreciate your recommendations! Thank you in advance for your help!
Should I major in Graphic Design?
I'm very interested in the arts and I'm wondering: Would I find any success in majoring in graphic design in college? #college #design #career
My parents won't let me do anything with K-POP and I LOVE it, I want to be a K-POP dancer/singer, etc. I don't know what to do how should OI get them to let me do this?
What is the best thing for me to do/say for them to be alright with me liking and wanting to do K-POP.
Should I pursue a New Highschool?
The high school i'm currently assigned to has none of the art electives I'm looking for to become a producer for my own show (see my description for my future careers). Any High school ideas I should look at? I'm in 8th grade right now. I live in Hawaii.
What is the best major for a Disney Imagineer?
I would like to become an Imagineer- should I major in Engineering/Architecture or something that has to do with arts/design?
What is the requirements for being a fashion designer and was is it like?
I'm a sophomore in high school and need advice
What would I need to be a great artist?
My name is Paige and I am in 12th grade and I major in arts and my question goes thus, I want to know what I will need to be a great artist in the art world
What careers are related to art?
At school, I am most interested in photography, painting, and sketching. I'm very passionate about animals and how they survive the wilderness, thats my favorite thing to draw. The problem is i dont know what to do when i graduate. What careers are there relating to art? And what colleges would be the best to pursue such careers? Are they four or two year colleges? Where are the colleges located?
What college major can I get, If I'm interested in the field of art?
I currently starting high school, and have been receiving a class on how to prepare for your future, and I want to follow a career path that has to with art. I'm talking about something like becoming a filmmaker, graphic designer or architect.