What are the best colleges to go to graduate school for a major in architecture.
I want to major in #architecture and want to know more about #graduate-school
2 answers
Jeffrey’s Answer
Many people feel that the school’s name implies prestige education. Don’t fall in to that mind set that you have to go a Yale, Harvard etc. You will get the same education no matter the school. When I attended UCF the architecture history II course explains the timeline. To summarize In reality what every Architecture program follows the same mantra from Harvard’s architecture school. Walter Gropius fled Nazi Germany to the U.S. and later taught at Harvard. He implemented and established the Bauhaus mantra in the U.S. every architect comes from that “bloodline”. In summary find a school you feel comfortable with. There are online program setup to focus strictly on architecture like Academy of Arts University.(expensive but worth a look). In summary you get out what you put in to your school work and career not the other way. If you have more questions post them and I’ll reply.
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Luke’s Answer
The schools in these rankings I think are going to be more math/sci focused than design-focused with some exceptions. Cal Poly and VaTech are great examples. These also favor large schools with more graduates as more people surveyed will be familiar with their grads. I imagine most all of the top-10 have >100 students per graduating class. That is probably all less true for the M.Arch because reputations and name recognition (for example being an Ivy League) tend to go further.
NAAB also has a listing of all accredited (B.Arch and M.Arch and I think D.Arch) programs