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Should I even consider applying to boarding school?

Hi, I am a 15-year-old who is interested in applying to Choate Rosemary Hall this year. I have been waiting for this moment for the last year, and now I am just made of anxiety.

I have no concerns regarding the required testing or application process. I think I can achieve results in the 85TH+ percentile. I can get the necessary recommendation letters, and have no problem writing an essay.

I have been dancing for about eight months, and have completed recreational courses through Coursera. I am soon going to start volunteering at a local farm.

I am pretty much a typical mediocre applicant, however that will change when you see my school record. I have a history of truancy, mediocre grades, and two suspension’s.

I can definitely raise up my grades, and attend school on time for the next few months. However, I am not sure if that would make a difference considering this change in behavior is so close to the application date.

I have seen other students statistics, and I am a bit scared and question if it’s even worth applying. I feel like nothing I do will be enough. The only decently interesting thing about me is my truancy problem.

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2 answers

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Darya’s Answer

Hi, Sophia! It is understandable to worry about entering a boarding school, especially at such a prestigious one as Choate Rosemary Hall. I can advise you to apply there, you have a great history of extracurricular activities, the situation is certainly not ideal, given the history of absenteeism, but it's worth considering that many other students may apply there with a less diverse portfolio. Therefore, if I were you, I would definitely pull grades and start coming to school on time, and without a doubt I would send an application!
Let's take a closer look at the solution to your problem:
1. Show the fact that you analyzing yourself, your past problems, including absenteeism and suspensions, are part of your history. It's important to think about what caused these problems and demonstrate what lessons you've learned from them. Admissions committees often strive for growth and resilience.
2. The fact that you understand and strive to improve your grades and punctuality indicates maturity and readiness for change. Admissions committees, again, often value a candidate who can demonstrate change, so be sure to indicate this in your application.
3. Engaging in activities like dancing and volunteering shows your initiative and interest outside of academics. Keep building on these experiences, as they can strengthen your application and show your passions.
4. While it's important to be aware of your difficulties, focus also on what makes you unique and what contribution you can make to the school community. Think about your interests, hobbies, and how you could bring a new perspective to the campus.
I wish you only luck, and I'm sure that u will studying there! With love, Darya
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Chinyere’s Answer

Hello Sophia,

I can understand how apprehensive you must be applying to Choate Rosemary Hall, with your particular school record; however, let me put your mind at ease—you are not the only applicant with that feeling. Many students fear competitiveness, but indeed there is always something more behind grades and suspensions.

Here are the reasons why you should still apply:

1. Improvement Counts
Improvement is a virtue that an admission committee loves. If you can show that you have invariably made a change in your grades and attendance, that would manifest resilience and a commitment to change, which records some plus on your side. Be honest about your past, but focus on how you've learned from it and what steps you're taking to do better. Schools like Choate look for students with potential, not just a perfect track record.

2. Diverse Interests Matter
Your diverse interests in dancing, online courses, and volunteering at the farm demonstrate initiative and an effort to grow in areas beyond academics. Giving these activities your attention will paint that full picture of you: someone willing to work and take up passion-driven activities toward community engagement.

3. Your Story is Unique
You may think that the only distinguishing factor about you is a truant history, but the fact that you are willing to admit this and do something for self-improvement is a powerful tale. After all, it's not the mistakes that have been made, but rather how those mistakes are learned from and moved on that's impressive. If you present your honesty and personal growth well in your application, admission officers may respect that.

4. Potential Over Perfection
Schools like Choate look beyond the ordinary grades and test scores. They want to find the enthusiastic, inquisitive, and determined kids who will truly capitalize on their educational experience. If you can prove that you'll take advantage of what Choate has in store for you, they might just overlook your mistakes, especially if your work shows improvement lately.

5. Always Worth Applying
Even when you are doubting it, apply. You never really know what it would have been if you never went through with the application. Sometimes schools take risks on certain students with remarkable stories, and you just might be one of them.

Be truthful and speak about your past, yet at the same time, of how you have learned from it and why this drive will render you successful here at Choate. It's about your history, but equally about your efforts at improvement, and your desire to attend the school. Applying to boarding school is a learning experience itself, no matter the outcome.

You’ve been waiting for this moment, so don’t let fear hold you back from trying.

Best wishes!