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What should I start doing from now on if I want to become an engineer?

I am a freshman in highschool looking to become an engineer when I grow up.

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4 answers

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Simon’s Answer

The easiest way into a full time engineering job is by having internships in college. To have internships in college, you need to get into college. To get into college you need good grades in Highschool. Freshman year is not considered too important but I'd start now so it's easier for you later on. If I were to start over, I'd pick 1-3 engineering disciplines I'm interested in, find 3-5 colleges that are accredited for those engineering majors (meaning they're officially recognized as a proper college for those majors). Find out what you need to get into those colleges and shoot for above those benchmarks.


Get great grades 90 - 95s out of 100 on your overall grade and worry about majors when you're in Junior year. Also standardized testing is a thing.
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Don’s Answer

So probably the best thing you can do in High School is make getting into college for engineering easy. That would be by looking at the college you want to go to and making sure that you have the classes that will give you a jumpstart engineering. Also you can go and met with people in the engineering program at the school. Mechanical engineering covers most the engineering, and is most comprehensive in most cases. But you can specialize as well. By talking to people at the school that has the engineering program you want to join, also allows you to see what is offered and what are the prerequisites (learning needed).

Good Luck, engineering is really a fun field, you can do anything! All you need is curiosity and a question, why?
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Cory’s Answer

Your me going to likely get a lot of good answers full of information on technical things to do.

Read and absorb them all. If it’s too much don’t worry about it. Some engineers work in the weeds and some manage others or projects.

To this point pursue what you like and cross reference a couple of times of the years whether engineering is a part of it. I would venture there is some part of engineering attached to most industries but you have to like it and love work with it before engineering is important. Good luck.
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Sreedhar’s Answer

Hi Diego,
Take as good care of all your grades. Not just math and science. A good engineer will have to juggle multiple roles in his/her career that are not all technical.
If you can manage it, join a STEM-related club in your school (e.g. robotics).
Start talking to college advisor at your school.
Good luck!