Career questions tagged engineer

How can I find internships and opportunities to gain insight into future majors I might want to pursue?
Hi, I'm Anushkaa, a 10th grader in high school. I participate in many activities such as Tennis, BPA, engineering, speech and more. In the future I want to go into engineering fields such as bioengineering or business. I am open to anything and would love any opportunities to do research, internships, job shadows, etc.

How would you describe a typical day as a rehabilitation engineer?
Specifically, someone who helps people with prosthetics.

How good is Facility Maintenance?
1. How good can the pay be, given enough experience? 2. Is it worth it in the long term? 3. How stressful is the work, both to body and mind?

How should I decide on one college major/future career when I have multiple in mind?
I am a sophomore in high school and I want to major in something along the lines of engineering and welding. Some careers I'm interested in include auto body welder, powertrain engineer, and aeronautical engineer. How should I decide on which one would be the most supportive for me financially and supportive of my overall future?

What careers involve both robotics and biomedical engineering ?
I'm currently doing my AL and I'm planning to do my bachelor's in robotics and mechatronics engineering next year onwards. And also I'm interested in doing bio-medical engineering Since I can't do both at the same time I prefer doing robotics. Is there any chance for me to work in the biomedical industry too if I study other biology related courses according to my interests with a robotics degree?

What influenced you to pursue Engineering? What were the obstacles of becoming an Engineer? Can you tell me about the types of tasks you are responsible for on a day-to-day basis? What do you enjoy most about your career? What are some skills and personality traits necessary to perform your job? What are some misconceptions about your career? Where did you start from?
This is for Engineers, and it's something I've been wondering about these things for some time now, please help!! I want to know if it's something I should pursue.

what can I do as a baker?
what can I do when I want to bake a perfect cake or brownie.

What's the best software or skills to learn for a carrer in supply chain management?
I'm considering a career in supply chain management. What would be the recommended software or skills that I should learn to make my applications for internships look better as I don't take any supply chian classes until sophmore year.

How do people start there racing careers by eather dirt racing or go karts?
how do people start there racing careers by eather go karting, or dirt racing? now im a freshmen in highschool but I look up to some auto racing drivers like max verstappen of Red Bull or Christipher Bell of JGR and they both started off by eather go karts or dirt racing but I'm just curious on how they started there careers.

"How do factors like experience, location, and engineering specialization impact an engineer's salary in the U.S."?
"How do factors like experience, location, and engineering specialization impact an engineer's salary in the U.S.?"

What is the success rate if I want to become an Computer engineer? How much money will I make and is it worth it?
How much time would it take to study this subject? Is this worth choosing over an IT job?

What are hardware engineers' main responsibilities, and what skills do you need to get the job?
I am thinking of studying and becoming a hardware engineer so I want to learn as much as I can about them

How do engineers use principles of physics and mathematics to design and optimize complex systems in fields like mechanical or electrical engineering?
How do engineers use principles of physics and mathematics to design and optimize complex systems in fields like mechanical or electrical engineering?

How can I find Apprenticeship or Mentorship in software Engineering ?
How can I find Apprenticeship or Mentorship in software Engineering ? I have been looking online for over a year now.

What does a typical work day in Facilites Maintenance look like ? How well does Automotive Body and Repairs include a work-life balance into their schedule? What values does the company have for Maintenance and Repair workers?
I am currently in the Job Corps and still working on getting my highschool diploma, I am very interested in the trade Facilities Maintenance and are wondering if I should stick with this career path option.

whats importiant other then learning the parts for the car to become a race car driver?
I have been interested in Auto racing since I was 11 and I wanna become one but I'm wondering if there more then working-out, knowing the car/track, rules, I just wanna know more. Also, one of the series I wanna race in could barely race in the rain due to there average speed being to high that the rain tires will wear out rain tires (NASCAR) no auto racing really doesn't require a degree but if you wanna keep the car running you would want a michanics degree.It isn't as simple as turning a Hockey arena into a Basketball arena in 24 hours no auto racing isn't as easy.

About how long would it take me to become an electrical engineer and is it worth it to go to school for that long?
I am still battling with what I want to pursue after high school and engineering is at the top. Unfortunately, some of my peers don't agree and think its a waste of my time.

Looking at how the world is today, what would you suggest is a good course of study for a 12th grader about to enter the world? I am looking at lucrative engineering courses by the way.
A tech-related course that piques my interest...

What would you suggest is /are the subject requirements for software engineering as a course of interest?
I have also been looking at computer science. I am a 12th grader in The Ambassadors College...

i want to make websites but i anm13 years old
can you teach me how to do the course that i selected. And also tell me about the whole websites.And i also get monthly paid then i can have improvements that people are enjoying the games that i made.

What are classes in high school that are useful for gaining knowledge about engineering?
While i'm in high school, I wanted to know some classes that I could take in high school that would help me gain experience with engineering.

What are some setbacks of being an engineer?
I have learned some advantages of being an engineer. Since I want to fully understand it, I wanted to know some set backs of pursuing to be an engineer as well to compare and contrast the two and make sure it's something I actually want to do.