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What are on of the best degrees if I wanna be a lawyer?

I am recently starting high school and I am interested in being a lawyer and I would like to now what degrees are interesting in this career.

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Jennifer’s Answer

To become a lawyer, you’ll need to earn a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from a law school. However, your undergraduate degree can be in a variety of fields. Here are some of the best majors to consider:

Political Science: This is one of the most common pre-law majors. It helps you understand the government, political processes, and legal systems.

History: Studying history can improve your research and critical thinking skills, which are crucial for law school.

English: This major enhances your reading, writing, and analytical skills, all of which are essential for law school.

Philosophy: Philosophy majors often excel in logical reasoning and ethical considerations, both important in law.

Economics: Understanding economic principles can be beneficial, especially if you plan to specialize in corporate or financial law.

Criminal Justice: This major provides a direct understanding of the legal system and law enforcement.

Psychology: Knowledge of human behavior can be useful in various legal fields, including family law and criminal law.

Ultimately, law schools look for candidates with strong analytical, research, and communication skills, regardless of their undergraduate major. Choose a field that interests you and allows you to excel academically.