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What potential setbacks could I face while studying law?

I'm in high school and trying to prepare for when I get to college. Wanting to know how I can prepare myself.

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JOHN’s Answer

Hi, Daisy.

One of my favorite sayings is this: "Fear is useless; what is needed is trust." They key then is to discover what and who you trust as you move forward.

Some will urge you to make judgments based on your past. But that means you'll basically be walking backwards into the future, trying to control everything. You will be hit from something coming out of your blind spot. That would be one source of setbacks. Your seeking out mentors can help you see your blind spot.

Some will urge you to make choices among presently available options, not concerning yourself about the past or the future. But this means you are basically walking in place, not going backwards and learning from your oversights, as well as not concerning yourself with the future and thus never really having one. Living only in the present is another blind spot, don't you see.

Only by deciding the underlying issue of your life will you be able to avoid the consequences of such blind spots. But what is the process of making decisions if it is different than either judging or choosing? Those two processes involve problems looking for a solution. The process of deciding involves looking for an answer to an issue.

Well, what is the underlying issue each of us faces?

Generally speaking, I put it this way: "Since I must die someday, what do I want you do to fulfill my desire to live?" In your case, you can make this more specific: ""Since I must die someday, do I want to fulfill my desire to live by studying law after college?"

If that is your underlying issue, I recommend learning in college how to read and write in as many disciplines as you can. Then go to law school and read again in as many areas as you can.

Just remember, if you seek adventures, choosing your own is the result, with the consequences noted above. If you seek a quest to find only the right solutions, judging is the process you are using, again with the consequences noted above.

If you acknowledge your life is a journey through many an issue, deciding will be the most fitting process for you. Hence, approach the journey understanding you will be a life-long learner, facing many an unknown issue.

Law is one of the good professions to support your journey because it is can be practiced in so many ways. Find your way with it, but also through it and past it. For, it is not the end. This is so because the issues of life are not all answered in legal responses.

Let me know if this response was helpful to you.

Thanks for the question.

John Darrouzet
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Yuliia’s Answer

As you embark on your journey through law school, you may come across a few bumps in the road:

A Mountain of Work: Law courses are known for their hefty reading lists and assignments, which can sometimes feel like a bit too much.
Stress on the Rise: The competitive spirit of law school might stir up some stress and worry.
Money Matters: The cost of law school can be quite high, and figuring out how to handle student loans can be tricky.
Juggling Act: Trying to keep up with your studies, internships, and personal life can be a real balancing act.
Tips to Triumph:

Keep it Together: Use handy tools like planners or apps to keep track of all your tasks and deadlines.
Lean on Others: Join study buddies or find a guiding mentor to help you steer through the challenges.
Treat Yourself: Set aside some time for relaxation and fun activities to keep stress at bay.
Budget Wisely: Consider scholarships, grants, or part-time jobs to lighten the financial load.
By being mindful of these potential hurdles and taking proactive steps, you'll be well on your way to acing your law studies!