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Hello! I'm a freshman in college studying creative writing with a cognate in journalism. I want to work as a Public Affairs Specialist with the FBI or U.S. Army when I graduate. What kind of courses should I sign up for? I know I'll need to take a couple of communications, public relations, political science, and journalism courses. Are they any others I should be aware of? Also, what kind of jobs and internships should I look for that will prepare me for my dream career??

Career advice for a student interested in Public Affairs.

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Sandra’s Answer

That sounds like an exciting career path! Here are some additional courses and experiences that could be beneficial for your goal:

Courses to Consider
Media Law and Ethics: Understanding the legal and ethical considerations in media is crucial for public affairs.
Crisis Communication: Learn how to manage communication during emergencies or crises.
Digital Media and Social Media Management: These skills are increasingly important for public affairs roles.
Intercultural Communication: Helps in understanding and communicating with diverse audiences.
Psychology: Provides insights into human behavior, which can be useful in crafting effective messages.
Writing for Public Relations: Focuses on writing press releases, speeches, and other PR materials.
Strategic Communication: Covers planning and executing communication strategies.

Jobs and Internships
Internships with Government Agencies: Look for internships with the FBI, U.S. Army, or other government agencies. These can provide direct experience in public affairs.
Media and Communications Internships: Intern with news organizations, PR firms, or corporate communication departments to gain relevant experience.
Campus Media: Get involved with your college newspaper, radio station, or TV station to build your portfolio.
Nonprofit Organizations: Many nonprofits need help with public relations and communications, offering valuable experience.
Public Affairs Internships: Specifically look for internships labeled as public affairs, which can be found in various sectors including healthcare, education, and more.

Best of luck!