Career questions tagged career-advice

Opportunities/Advice for Junior Illustrators?
I'm really lost on how to get any opportunities as an illustrator with very little experience. It seems I can't find a place where they'd take a junior illustrator without job experience that's remote, cause in my country there are like no opportunities at all for illustrator. Before I got my degree my professor's would often say how it's a bit hard but there were jobs out there for us. These days I wonder why did I have to choose a career that has so little employability in my country. I seem to always be making poor choices for my professional future. Any advice would be appreciated or if you know a place that's hiring illustrators with no experience, please let me know. I'm also thinking about trying to apply for graphic design internships since it's kind of similar, but obviously not the same...

What is the most challenging thing about the medical administrative assistant program?
advice, tips!

How to get a 100% remote cybersecurity job as a fresh college graduate? How to develop those skills and I have 0 years of experience
Hi everyone, I’m Vidhi, and I’m about to graduate from OSU Ecampus with a degree in Computer Science. As we all know, the job market is tough right now, especially for fresh graduates without strong industry experience. I’m very interested in securing a 100% remote cybersecurity role since there are no tech companies near me, and I prefer not to relocate. I understand that referrals and LinkedIn networking are key, but I also want to build the right skills and earn certifications that will make a strong impression on recruiters and increase my chances of getting hired. Any advice on the best skills to focus on or the most valuable cybersecurity certifications for entry-level roles? Which is better hackthebox or tryhackme. Are they even worth it? Do recruiters care?

Is this a wise decision for a potential future career in a Federal Agency?
Hi all, hope you are doing well! I am a forensic psychology student who, at the moment, is struggling to define the exact career path I want to take. However, I do know that I want to either work as a Forensic Psychologist in the court system or in any Behavioral Analysis/Criminal Profiling role for a federal agency such as the FBI, CIA, DEA, etc. As a result, I want to gain some internship experience to build my resume for these jobs. I just came across an internship position for a Reproductive Rights Center that I am extremely interested in. However, there's something in the back of my mind that's causing me to hesitate for a second. Given the current polarized political climate, I worry that working in this area might be perceived negatively by potential future employers in my field, especially as America moves more and more towards the right wing side of it all. I am unsure if it would be wise to go into this position and if this experience might be viewed unfavorably by future employers in my chosen field. At the same time, I feel as though I am overthinking this. I know that we are all free to believe in whatever we want as American citizens, but there's been a lot of fear and speculation going around these days and I'd rather be safe than sorry. Once again, I am completely open to the possibility of me overthinking this, but I wanted to hear it from someone who's more experienced and wiser than me. Thank you all!

"What are the most effective teaching strategies for grade 2 students" ?
any advice how is it possible to control them they are very naughty and disturbing and no one listens at all. Especially when writing nicely no one is writing properly very bad handwriting and never straight also they always forget the date or topic.

What advice would you give to a youth interested in the medical field?
What tips would you offer to a young student (highschool) who wants to go into the medical field? More specifically I'm interested becoming a psychologist, medical laboratory technician, or a dentist.

Asking questions for Engineers.
Can you tell me about the types of tasks you are responsible for on a day-to-day basis? 2. What do you enjoy most about your career? 3. What is most challenging about your career? 4. What are some skills and personality traits necessary to perform your job? 5. What are some misconceptions about your career? 6. What advice do you have for me about this career? 7. How much personal interactions do you have on a day-to-day basis with this career? 8. What is the work environment like in this career? 9. What are the benefits of this career? 10. What type of education do you need to enter this career?

I am not sure what type of psychology I should pursue: general or clinical?
I am currently doing my bachelors in psychology and I don't know whether to pursue clinical or general psychology for post-graduate study. I am interested in working with clients in a clinical setting but I am not sure if I have the marks to pursue clinical over a general registration. My preference isn't resolute so I would be fine becoming a general psychologist as well. However, I am not sure I know enough details about both and how day to day life would be in either of those streams.

What is the most valuable life skill developed within the field of STEM, and what mentalities ought to be avoided in this specific field of study. In other words, what is the aim of the STEM field?
What is the most valuable life skill developed within the field of STEM, and what mentalities ought to be avoided in this specific field of study. In other words, what is the aim of the STEM field?

i am in 12th standard just gave my 11 exams and now i want to proceed for my CLAT2026 preperation because i am interested in this career and want to get a great NLU .. so can u tell me if i should start my preperation with boards or after the boards without affecting any of these ?
should i start my preperation now or later{means after 12}??

Is a crime analyst a good career? What are the perks?
Is this a good career, or fun career?

What are some job recommendations for very outgoing individuals ?
I love to collaborate with others on creative projects (but don't love the monotonous, detail-oriented requirements of project management, for example). I also love critical thinking and want something that will challenge me everyday. Currently in marketing and very bored. Don't have any one particular passion but pretty curious and am open to learning anything!

What are some good programs or volunteer oppotunities?
I'm currently in 9th grade and have been volunteering since the summer before 6th grade. I want to work with children in the future so my volunteer work is mainly centered around that. I have done workshops and other things where I get certificates at the end and more. Though this I feel as if most of the workshops aren't really centered around the field I want to go into. Because they are not really centered around my field it seems they are unimportant. Overall what are some good opportunities for workshops, volunteering etc that can help me work towards the field I want to go into.

Struggled with OChem—Looking for Advice to Improve?
Hi everyone, I unfortunately didn’t pass Organic Chemistry despite asking for leniency, which I wasn’t able to get. Now I’m preparing to retake the course and would love advice on how to do better.

If I enjoy doing hands on work in my free time, what careers might fit me?
I'm a freshman in high school and still am not 100% sure of what I want to do in the future yet. I wanted to know some suggestions I can do some research on that would most likely be interesting to me.

What is the best career for me based on my favorite subjects and activities?
I'm a 7th grader just starting looking for a career that is good for me. My favorite subjects are math and science and ELA. Some sports I play are soccer and volleyball. I like to creative write and draw, and read if I find an interesting book.

What are some hobbies, or things I can do in my free time to better prepare me to be a technological engineer?
I'm a freshman in high school currently, and I wanted to prepare myself for the career I wanted to do in the future. I'm not sure what I should do.

What are the steps to becoming a Vet Sonographer?
I've been going back and forth on whether I want to be a vet radiologist or a vet sonographer. I am leaning a little more towards the second option. I need help on what to do because it is such a specific field of work. I am 17 in my senior year and I want to know what to major in in university, and the steps after.

What jobs are available for someone who is interested doing DEI research in media studies?
I worked with the Annenberg Inclusion Initiative in college and really enjoyed myself! I would love to find work doing similar stuff (assisting in research pertaining to diversity in media). I'm happy to do either qualitative research, or data input and analysis, which is what I was working on in school. It's difficult to find work pertaining to this, as most companies and organizations are smaller. How can I break into this industry?

What is the best career for a gaming lover?
Can I get a career related to gaming?

What if I don't want to go to college?
I am a high school senior thinking and not sure about my future.

why should i choose to do engineering?
am in 12th grade and i have a SAt score of 1200 i want to pursue career in engineering

What is it like trying to get into the IT industry?
What is it like trying to get into the IT industry?

If I own a company, how do shareholders benefit me? How do I benefit shareholders?
Learning about owning a company and what is important to have.

What do you wish you had known about your position/the field before you started And what is a typical work day like??
As a current high school senior, I’m uncertain about which career path to pursue in, and with college applications approaching, I feel pressured to make a choice soon. I’d like to learn more about different fields to gain a better sense of direction before committing.

How did you get in to the field of Sonography ?
Hi everyone! My name is Ally I am a College student who is looking for someone who specializes in the field of Sonography to answer a couple questions! How did you get involved with the field? What steps would you suggest someone take to pursue a position in this field? What are typical day’s activities? What are the biggest challenges in your job? Could you suggest specific internships, volunteer, or part time work that would be particularly useful in preparing for this career? What is the most valuable skill to have a a sonographer? What was the one thing you wish you knew before entering this field? Thank you and thank you for your time!