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can i learn programming if i am not good enough in math?

can i learn programming if i am not good enough in math?

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Andrew’s Answer

In programming, a computer language is used to instruct a computer/machine to perform a specific. It is not that different from what you would have to do to instruct other people to perform specific tasks. Of course, you will be using a symbolic and logical language for computers, whereas it will be a natural language such as English for people.

Hence, a good computer programmer does not need to be good at mathematics. A good programmer should be competent and proficient in the symbolic language used for the specific computer/machine.

Nonetheless, mathematics is a symbolic and logical language. Mathematical skills will be helpful in computer programming, especially in scientific programming.
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Mbah Wai-Tanyi’s Answer

Hi Zoe,

Absolutely, you can learn programming even if you're not good at math. While math is used in some programming areas, it's not a requirement for all programming fields.

Programming areas that require math:

1. Game development (physics, geometry)
2. Scientific computing (numerical analysis, linear algebra)
3. Machine learning (statistical modeling, linear algebra)
4. Data science (statistical analysis, data visualization)

Programming areas that don't require intense math:

1. Web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
2. Mobile app development (Java, Swift, Kotlin)
3. Database management (SQL)
4. Networking (protocol design, network architecture)

Why math isn't always necessary:

1. Many programming concepts are logical, not mathematical.
2. Programming languages have libraries and frameworks that handle complex math.
3. You can focus on problem-solving, algorithm design, and software engineering.

Tips for learning programming without intense math:

1. Start with basics: Learn programming fundamentals (variables, control structures, functions).
2. Choose a language: Select a language with minimal math requirements (e.g., Python, JavaScript).
3. Focus on practical projects: Build projects that interest you (e.g., web scrapers, chatbots).
4. Join online communities: Participate in forums, Reddit, and Stack Overflow.
5. Find resources: Utilize online tutorials, coding boot camps, and textbooks.

Resources for learning programming:

1. Codecademy (web development, programming basics)
2. Coursera (Penn State has a partnership with Coursera)
3. edX (Python, Java, and more)
4. FreeCodeCamp (web development, coding challenges)
5. GitHub (open-source projects, coding community)

Penn State resources:

1. Penn State Computer Science Department
2. Penn State Coding Club
3. Penn State Software Engineering Club

You can definitely learn programming, Zoe! Don't let math concerns hold you back.
Thank you comment icon This is an excellent answer, Mbah! Jesse Silverstein
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Jesse’s Answer

There are already some fantastic responses to your question, and the consensus is clear: you don't need to be a whizz at Math to excel in programming. I wholeheartedly concur! However, I'd like to shed light on a slightly different angle.

Being proficient in programming doesn't necessarily mean you need to be a Math guru. For a more comprehensive explanation, check out Mbah's brilliant, detailed analysis. That said, having a good grasp of Math can make certain aspects of programming easier to master. Does this mean you should give up if you're not good at Math? Absolutely not! I've had the privilege of working with numerous successful computer scientists who aren't Math wizards.

There's a significant point that hasn't been touched on yet: job interviews for programming roles. Regrettably, you'll often encounter interview questions that are Math-based. Even worse, many problems you'll need to solve during interviews can be simplified by using a clever mathematical trick. I must confess, I've asked Math-centric programming interview questions in the past, though I steer clear of them now.

Math-based programming interview questions have been the industry norm for decades. It will take time for a new wave of logic-based (and hopefully business-relevant) interview questions to become standard. In the meantime, practicing interview questions on well-known platforms can help you familiarize yourself with the kind of Math problems you might encounter during interviews.

Once you've aced the interviews, you might not need Math at all! Don't let it deter you from diving into computer science. If you relish the challenge of solving intricate problems and figuring out why the commands you're giving to a system aren't producing the expected results, then computer science is the perfect fit for you! Math or no Math.

Jesse recommends the following next steps:

Interview question prep:
Interview question prep:
Algorithm practice:
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Tariq’s Answer

Hello Zoe,

Definitely, mastering a programming language is not unlike learning to communicate in any other language. Just as we learn to express ourselves in different languages, computers too have their own language. By understanding and mastering the structure and rules of this language, you can effectively instruct the computer to perform any task.

In fact, learning a programming language can be somewhat simpler. This is because programming languages typically have well-defined rules and syntax that shape a sentence. Your role then becomes crafting a series of these sentences to achieve the desired result.

Best wishes!
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Yunus’s Answer

Absolutely! I wasn't always the best at math, but programming opens up so many opportunities that aren't reliant on mathematical prowess. Instead, they demand other talents like imaginative thinking, curiosity, and a knack for problem-solving. Math typically only becomes a necessity in specialized areas such as 3D visualization and computer vision. So don't worry, there's a place for everyone in programming!
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William’s Answer

Hi Zoe,

Your specific question is about math in programming. In most instances, my experience says "no", but it depends on the type of programming.

If you speak multiple languages today, as others have pointed out, the leap to programming is similar. I have a couple of friends in this field who actually have obtained degrees in language and then made the leap to computers and programming. Most all computer languages have similar constructs/basics (i.e. "loops", "if/else", "true/false", "arrays/structures", etc.) that are conceptually the same. The day-one exercise of printing "Hello World" to the screen in multiple languages can be very eye-opening ( .

Somewhat basic math skills plus understanding of binary math (0 and 1) can get you started.

Good luck!
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IBM’s Answer

Hi Zoe,

While mathematics can be an important asset in some types of programming, more "soft skills" such as critical thinking, problem solving, and teamwork are often more essential.

Mathematics is a skill like most others and you will learn it as you go. Do not fall into the trap of believing that you are not good at something just because you are not good at it right now.