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In order to become a physical therapist, what kind of classes did you take in college?

In order to become a physical therapist, what kind of classes did you take in college? I would like to become a physical therapist and I am wondering what classes I need to take in college. I am currently a sophomore in high school.

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Donna’s Answer

To become a PT, you will need to complete an undergrad degree, usually taking 4 years. Then you can apply to PT schools that will then be an additional 2.5-3 years finishing with a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. A DPT is the "entry-level" degree needed to practice physical therapy. Some schools that have DPT programs have "bridge" programs for those who get undergrad degrees at the same school that may decrease the time by a semester or two but often a student has to pre-qualify for those programs and adhere to GPA requirements to keep that pre-qualification.
As a PT professor for 20 years, serving many years on admission boards, I recommend that no matter what your undergrad degree major is, that you make sure you meet the prerequisites of the PT schools you are intending to apply to. So, first, identify several PT schools that you want to apply to then go into the school's on-line catalog and see what each particular school requires for admission to PT school. For example, some schools may require a microbiology course or an advanced chemistry but others may not. Just be sure that you use your undergrad elective credits to take any courses outside of those required by your major that you may need to meet the PT prerequisites. And always apply to more than one PT school!
So, your undergraduate classes/major would usually be heavily science-based (e.g. biology, chemistry, physiology, anatomy etc). Or you could major in psychology, communication etc. BUT please pay attention to the info above about pre-requisites.

Donna recommends the following next steps:

Go to American Physical Therapy Association ( website to find schools that offer a DPT, then look up various undergrad degree program requirements at those schools
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Kennedy’s Answer

Hello Macie!

That's a wonderful question! The first step would be to explore the various programs that your preferred colleges and universities offer. These institutions usually outline the necessary courses you need to complete in order to earn a degree or certification in physical therapy. This information will help you plan your class schedule effectively. I would suggest taking some general subjects that will supplement your physical therapy studies. These include biology, kinesiology or exercise science, and psychology courses. Each of these subjects will give you a deeper understanding and a solid base to support your journey towards becoming a physical therapist.