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How did you decide where to go to school?

college tips

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Paul’s Answer

For me it was all about resources.

I needed a college that had my major, had good instructors and a campus environment that would help me to achieve my goals.

But, there were also other reasons. I did not want to get too far away from my base of support, in case I needed something, or there was an emergency.

I wanted a college that had
excellent student activities, academic assistance for me classes, and good parking and security.

I also looked at the library and checked out the study areas, to make sure they had the support for my education.

So, little things like this made the difference for me.
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Kennedy’s Answer

When choosing a college, there are several key aspects to consider. The availability of financial support and scholarships can differ significantly between institutions, so it's crucial to explore these options for every college you're interested in. Equally important is investigating the courses and programs available that align with your academic goals. Additionally, touring the campus can provide valuable insights and heavily influence your final decision.
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Trenton’s Answer

Hi Rachel!

Choosing where to go to college is such an exciting chapter of your life, but I know it can also feel overwhelming because there are so many options out there. When I was going through the process, I found it really helpful to start by making a list of what mattered most to me. Things like academic programs, the size of the school, location, cost/financial aid, housing, and even campus culture were all on my list.

Once you have your priorities written down, it becomes so much easier to narrow your options to just a few schools that align with what you're looking for. After that, visiting each school really helped me get a feel for where I might fit in best, especially when considering things like my major and the overall atmosphere of the campus.

I know traveling to every school you're interested in isn’t always possible, but don’t worry—many colleges offer virtual tours and online info sessions. These can be super helpful in giving you a sense of the campus without having to leave home. You can explore the facilities, hear from current students, and even talk to admissions officers. It’s a great way to compare schools and figure out which one feels like the best fit for you.

Best of luck in your college search!
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Martinique’s Answer

Hi Rachel - For me, I choose a school that would give me the best opportunity to get my degree and graduate without any student debt. I choose a public (state) school that was close to home so I could live at home. To be honest, unless you plan to specialize in something that requires attending very a specific school, then it really doesn't matter what college you go to. All that really matters at the end of the day is having the actual degree. Maybe for your very first job after college it could possibly matter what school you went to, but after that employers really just want to know that you have a degree and work experience. The school you went to doesn't really matter that much. My advice is to limit student loans/debts much as possible.
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Ilana’s Answer

Deciding where to go to school is a big decision and there are so many things to consider. Before you jump in, start a must have and nice to have list.

Some of the things on my must have list were:
1) Class Size - Smaller schools could lend to a more personal learning experience. Smaller classes mean you can connect better with teachers and classmates.
2) Location - I wanted to be able to be far yet close enough to be able to drive or travel home easily
3) Private Liberal Arts School vs public university- Generally a liberal arts school differs in their academic focus, size and atmosphere. I wanted a well rounded education emphasizing critical thinking, focus on arts
4) Major or focus - Ensure the school offers strong programs in the field you want to study.
5) Cost - Think about private vs. public schools. Consider if the cost (tuition, loans) fits your career goals and future sustainability.
6) Campus Experience - commuter and residential schools both have benefits yet commuter schools typically have fewer on-campus options and less emphasis on campus life.
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Sarah’s Answer

I wanted to find a program that aligned with my interests as well as prioritize ease of local transportation and near a large city. I did extensive research on the majors at the university. I also told myself that if I change my mind that is ok, undergrad is the time to explore and see what sparks your interest. Cost of tuition was also a factor to consider - there are thousands of scholarships you can apply for as well as apply for financial aid called (FAFSA). I ended up going to UC Berkeley and I look back on my university days as such an amazing experience! I had the best time living in Berkeley, studying Anthropology, and really learning how to challenge myself and work hard.
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Dilawar’s Answer

Hello Rachel,

Your future aspirations and interests play a key role in determining the right school for you. Consider schools based on their overall achievements and the success rate of their past students. Make sure to connect with both current students and alumni to get a comprehensive understanding of the school.
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Beverly’s Answer

Hi Rachel,

Deciding where to go to school can be exciting, but also a bit overwhelming because there are so many choices and factors involved.
First, think about you and who you are. Next look at what you might want in a college or university. Let's set up some steps that may help you to zero in on a school choice.

I hope my tips are helpful, and best wishes in your college search!

Beverly recommends the following next steps:

Write a list of your likes, dislikes including large or small schools, private or public colleges, local or places far away, etc.
Do online searches of college tours, viewbooks, and info. Contact those that appeal and get on their communication list.
Be sure the college has the major you are seeking and the program you want rather than a course or two in that area.
Contact admission offices of those you have narrowed down and schedule visits. See if you can go to campus and talk with students, faculty and staff both formally and informally.
Check the financial picture to see if the school is affordable. Ask about scholarships, grants and work study to help pay for your education.
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wendy’s Answer

Deciding where to go to college is an important decision that you should take very seriously. When determining where to go to school, you should think about the following:

1. How will you be funding college? Are you getting student loans, scholarships, assistance from family, etc? Its important to know how you will be paying for it so you can determine the school that is right for you.
2. Do you want to pursue a 2-year degree, 4-year degree or are you seeking a professional trade/certification? It matters where you go to school for each of these.
3. Do you want to attend a out of state school or an in state school? Do you want to take classes live or online? Keep in mind that going out of the state you live in is more expensive, and if you decide to take your classes online you will have a different type of experience as opposed to being live for class.
4. Where do you plan to live? On campus, off campus, at home? This makes a difference on how much you will need to spend.
5. What are you interested in? What degree do you hope to achieve? There are colleges that specialize in specific areas and trades, you may want to go somewhere that has a program that is geared toward what you want to do.
6. Are you interested in going to a large school? small school? community college? Faith-based school?
7. What types of extra curricular activities are you looking for? Sports, greek life, clubs/organizations, etc.

Answering these questions will help you to get started in the right direction. From there you can find a good match based on the path you would like to take.
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Katie’s Answer

Hi Rachel! This decision is such an exciting time of your life. Of course you should take into account what you want to study and make sure the school has a strong academic department that you are interested in, but one big piece of advice I have for you think about when making this decision is to consider the type of college experience you are looking for and take the environment of the school into account. For example, do you want a more traditional college experience that has a lot of school spirt and students stay on campus a majority of the time (football games, tailgates, greek life, etc), or do you want to go to a school that is more integrated into a larger city where students can take advantage of what a city has to offer? Another thing to consider is whether or not you would like to study abroad or not. A lot of universities have great abroad programs that make it easy to take classes in other countries, but this is not as simple at some universities. These are just a few examples and there are pro's and con's to each. Personally, my advice would be to go to a school that offers experiences that you can only have while in college. So even if you're not a big football fan or if you aren't 100% sure if you want to join greek life, going to school that offers these fun college experiences would be my recommendation. This time of life goes by quickly and you can't participate in these types of activities or clubs in any other stage of life.

Another important thing to think about when making your decision is if you are not 100% sure what you want to major in, make sure that the university allows you to be Undecided or gives you flexibility to change your major. Many schools require you to decide your major right away and if you change your mind, it will set you back and take you longer to graduate. When I went to college I thought I was pretty certain I wanted to major in Journalism but after taking one Journalism course I realized it wasn't for me. Having this flexibility is super important.

I hope this helps and best of luck!!!
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Tracy’s Answer

For me, it initially came down to what I could afford. Luckily, I was able to get scholarships and financial aid at all of the ones that I applied to so it next it came down to what others would think of me by attending a certain college. The one I chose had a really good world wide reputation. Now that I have been in the work world for over 30 years, I have observed that no one really cares about where I went to school, just that I have a degree. I have worked with others who have gone to various other schools. At the end of the day, my advice would be to initially go where you can afford and if you are really set on going to a name brand school, transfer in in your Jr year. You will save money and most likely be better grounded.
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Fernando’s Answer

It all starts deciding what field of study or degree you're looking to get. After that it's all about researching the various colleges that offer degrees in your field of choice. Take your time to look into each college and remember to keep your budget in mind. If you have any doubts remember that you can always call the college you're interested in and talk with a representative to clear them up. Don't let anyone pressure you into making a quick decision. Picking where to go or what degree to study takes time.
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Twilio’s Answer

Choosing a college will depend on your situation. I wanted to go to college out of state, but I could barely afford to go to school in state with loans. I knew I was interested in media, so I went to the school with the best journalism program in my state. I also wanted a campus that felt like a traditional college campus and offered the typical university experience. In the end, I'm glad I went where I went, and I don't know that it mattered a lot when it comes to my ultimate career journey. I'd say not to overthink it as long as you feel your college of choice will provide a healthy environment where you can focus, grow, and learn. That means choosing a school that will align with the rest of your life as best possible—can you get to classes easily, is it a campus that you enjoy being on, are you able to work if necessary and still attend classes on time, etc. I was considering law school after college (I didn't go), and a professor told me he would rather see someone do well wherever they are as an undergraduate than do the minimum at an elite school. I've found that to be true. It's less important to go to a particular university, as long as your school offers the programs you're interested in, than it is to try your best, work hard, and do well wherever you go. Most schools offer similar programs, and the opportunities are available at most schools; it just may be a little more work in one place than another. Lastly, it's not a permanent decision. Like most things in life, choosing a school can feel like a huge decision because it feels like a permanent decision, but that's not the case. You can always transfer to another school if you need to, though that is a bit of work.
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Twilio’s Answer

I am fortunate enough to have supportive parents that are able to support my studies, so I went to one of the best/famous schools in the Philippines and It was a good choice because the school I graduated from is recognized in another country too. I felt lost when I graduated from high school, so I don’t really know what to get or if I want to go to College but I still push it because I don’t want to be stuck and have no goals. I first visited the school, checked their values, environment, facilities and talked to people/students there about what they feel about the school. I felt welcomed so that’s when I knew I wanted to go there. My next problem was what course should I take? So I based it on the score I got from the career assessment we did in my high school. From there my journey started.
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Twilio’s Answer

I wanted to go somewhere where there was a lot of opportunity, I didn’t want to go to a school that had a “niche” for anything, in case it was a field I didn’t want to go into. I was very undecided, so I went to a big school to be able to try everything. I ended up loving a big school atmosphere and joined a couple clubs that made a big school seem small! I would write a list of your interests, and try to find a list of schools that match that. Small Vs Big. College campus vs being in a city. Being able to find things that interest you and allow you to get involved, will make it easier to make a college feel like “home.”
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Twilio’s Answer

I knew I wanted to travel. I found a school that offered scholarships for study abroad and summer travel and January Term travel opportunities. This ended up being the defining element of my college experience and I was able to study abroad, spend a January abroad, two summers abroad, and two school trips for Model UN abroad. Most of that was paid for through school grants. I also let this determine my Major (International Relations) and while my career ended up in Strategy and Operations, a lot of how I approach problems, drive towards the big picture and build relationships for solutioning comes from this time.
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Twilio’s Answer

I started by going to a school that I was excited about, but it turned out not to be a good fit. It was too big, and there was a huge party scene. I decided at the end of my freshman year to transfer and go to a smaller school. I don’t regret this decision, but I would say that before you choose a school, really reflect on what environment you find yourself the calmest in. How important is it to be in a small versus large school? How do they structure academics and housing? Do you feel connected to the vibe and goings ons you see during a tour (definitely do a tour if you can!)? At the end of the day, freshman year is a huge transition for everyone, so give yourself grace and find folks with similar interests.