How can I have a positive impact in my future career field?
I am currently pursuing a degree in Biology with goals to get into Medical School to study Orthopedics. What are some challenges that Orthopedic doctors and surgeons face today that I could make into a goal to overcome?
#medicine #sports-medicine #orthopedics
3 answers
Sue’s Answer
Orthopedic surgery is an extremely rewarding field. Here is some good information from the Americal Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: It's directed toward medical students, but it's not too early for you to read it now, while you're doing your undergraduate work. My advice for you is to keep an open mind and explore all the different areas of medicine. I like my field because it allows me to develop relationships with my patients as well as perform surgery. I see a wide variety of patients, from newborns to elderly patients, and take care of many different conditions. The field is constantly changing, so it's important to keep up with current knowledge. Best of luck to you!
Be optimistic and don't be afraid of upcoming failures