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What are some ways to balance college, life, and work?

I'm at my senior year of high school preparing for college. I am preparing for an internship and from what I've heard of college, I know I need to create a balance when the time comes. I remember when I first came to the U.S, I was not ready for all the stress and depression I would get from being overwhelmed. So as college approaches, I need to find a way to create balance so I don't go through those experiences again or at least avoid them.

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3 answers

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Adit’s Answer

Juggling the demands of college, everyday life, and work might seem tough, but with some smart habits and a bit of organization, you can handle all three with ease:

Prioritize Wisely: Figure out what matters most to you and dedicate your time accordingly. Get a clear picture of your academic, social, and work responsibilities and set up a weekly plan to maintain a balanced approach.

Master Time Management: Make use of a diary or online calendar to set aside time for studying, working, and unwinding. Techniques like the Pomodoro Method or time-blocking can help keep you productive and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Establish a Strong Support Network: Build a circle of friends, mentors, and family who can provide advice and emotional backing. Don't forget that many schools offer counselors and mental health services to help you cope with stress.

Prioritize Self-Care: Regular workouts, sufficient sleep, and a balanced diet can do wonders for stress management and keeping your energy levels up. Even a short daily break of 10–15 minutes can boost focus and mental well-being.

Learn the Power of No: College is full of opportunities, but it's crucial to know your limits. Choose commitments that serve your goals and step away from activities that might push you too far.

As you gear up, these tactics can help ease the transition and provide a sturdy framework for managing new duties. Best of luck with your college journey and preparing for your internship!
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Kennedy’s Answer

Hi Eric, great question! There are some good answers here that I would echo. Prioritization and time management will be crucial to prevent feeling overwhelmed and overly stressed. I would really focus on self care as well. The more you can prioritize taking care of yourself and solidifying your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, the better able you will be to tackle the challenges of college, work and personal life. Be sure to carve out some "me time" throughout your days and throughout your weeks to keep you feeling energized and at the top of your game.
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Amiya’s Answer

I would say try to attend a school that does not have classes on Fridays. I was able to attend Tennessee State University which honors this, but I know other schools do as well. That way you are only working maybe 3 days out of the week but still get some good hours in.

Amiya recommends the following next steps:

Find schools that will allow you to have more free time after your classes
Find a job that allows you to study like an admin at a desk, front desk at a gym
Try to find an internship, something that will strengthen your skill sets at school also while getting hands on experience
Lastly, enjoy college, you have your whole life to work.