Career questions tagged time-management

How to do maintain a good balance between your personal and professional life?
I want to know more about how to maintain a balance as an adult with a career.

How do you balance physical activities and study time? How do you time management?
I'm waking up a lot earlier than I usually do to work out and start the day earlier, as I come home late. However, because I'm tired and still have so much to do, I lose track and motivation quite often, which is sloppy. How do I fix this?

How should I manage my time?
I am going to start college in the fall and would like some tips for time management so that I can balance studying, sleep, eating, extracurriculars, etc.

What are some jobs with pretty good pay but also allow for time off and shorter working hours? ?
I am a sophomore in high school and looking for a job that has good pay but also doesn't require long working hours.

Can I work, do full-time college, and play volleyball simultaneously during college?
I've heard that you can work and attend college full-time, but I don't know if you can also play volleyball. College volleyball requires a lot of time commitment, so I don't think I would be able to do this. Could someone help?

How can I accomplish my goals while maintaining balance in my life?
I am busy with sports like basketball and golf, but I still want to get good grades, enjoy family time, and also have some time to myself.

"How can I improve my performance in both board exams and entrance exams" ?
I am juggling the preparation for two important exams—board exams and entrance exams—and want to know effective strategies to balance my time and efforts to perform well in both.

What is the key to time management in college How do you balance corse work, working out, and a social life in college?
Specifically Women in Engineering

What are some of the best time management and study websites or apps for college students?
Looking for some note-taking, planning, summarizing, or focus websites or apps.

What are some tips that can help students in college to learn and study at the same time?
I am a college student in my second year and wondering how I can make money while studying at the same time. My mother and father are struggling to pay my school fees and it is quite difficult to just sit and watch them struggling.

When do you usually study and if so, how long?
Do you study right after school? How do you balance the amount of time you study if you do extracurriculars?

How can I be successful with my Business Administration Degree?
Hello, I am a first-semester freshman and due to my negligence I received a C in one of my classes. I have an average GPA now (around 3.5 if I do well in all my other classes), but I want to succeed with the Business Admin. Degree. I know I want to work in marketing, social media marketing, and I am exploring Accounting with my first Accounting class next semester. I have an internship lined up for next semester as well for marketing and event planning, and I am going to be doing an interview next week for another internship. I currently hold a co-social media manager position for a Dance team at my University, and I hope to get the graphic design position I was working towards within my next semester. Because I did not prioritize one of my classes and the subsequent classes this semester I ended with a C and the rest of my grades as high B's. I plan on working harder next semester so I can get better grades, but I am worried like this semester I will fall behind (I also had an on-campus job this semester and was taking interviews and applying to other jobs as well). I want to graduate early, and attend an MBA school so I have created a plan as to how I will graduate early with my classes, and started looking at what I should achieve to be accepted in the Deferred Admissions process for an MBA school. My University is small and not known for their business program, and in regards to the jobs I've been applying to I have focused on part-time internships: - social media - advertising - accounting I also applied to various on-campus jobs. In my free time I have worked to gain more knowledge about marketing and other jobs in business along with the skills required for them. This is why I landed on Marketing because of my creativity and artistic abilities, and how it can prove to be useful.

What is your life like as a day to day nurse? Are you always busy?
How do you manage all of that?

how can I manage my time as a sophomore in high school with after school activities?
sophomore in high school

Is there a certain time limit on completing a job as an electrician and if there is what is the usual time limit?
I'm a 10th grader and I'm interested in electrical work.

How can I always have to motivation to keep on learning?
How can I always have the motivation to learn, to continue coding and other stuffs, I don't have the motivation to keep on moving, I'm just tired of everything

What are good ways of staying organized in high school? #Fall24
This could be advice relating to school, clubs, general organizing and simply management. I want to use my time wisely in class and outside of class so I can have more "me-time" and time with family.

How to become a professional organizer?
Tell us everything we need to know to become a professional organizer? Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

What are some tips for managing time?
I am a student who wants to get better at managing my time.

What are some tips or resources that could be beneficial for a non-traditional student, especially when trying to find a balance between work and school?
I am a 35-year-old woman who has been out of school for several years. I am studying a completely different major with the hopes of becoming a entrepreneur. I have been struggling trying to find balance, time and focusing on my schoolwork. I question my decision to enroll in school at this time and I am feeling extremely overwhelmed.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to better manage your time?
I'm a really big procrastinator who tends to get things done at the last minute. Any suggestions would be welcomed.

What are some ways to balance college, life, and work?
I'm at my senior year of high school preparing for college. I am preparing for an internship and from what I've heard of college, I know I need to create a balance when the time comes. I remember when I first came to the U.S, I was not ready for all the stress and depression I would get from being overwhelmed. So as college approaches, I need to find a way to create balance so I don't go through those experiences again or at least avoid them.

How do I make time for writing?
I feel that my full-time job and my life responsibilities get in the way of me writing. What techniques have helped you to write daily?

What are the best studying methods for memorizing a large quantity of things and how should I do them?
I have to memorize many things at once and sometimes don't have enough time or I may forget some stuff.

How can I be organized and manage my time wisely?
Hello, my name is Matias. I'm in 10 grade and I would love to pursue a career in architect. But sometimes I have struggles on being organized with my time.

How can you manage your studies while you're working?
You cana manage it by making a schedule. So, that you can manage your time. Of course you need to follow your schedule to leasen your hassle feelings

How to achieve my career goals?
Good day, my name is Jim and I'm a college student my question is how can I achieve my career goals, and how to be a very successful game designer and to find m career pathway after school

Philosophy, should I?
Should I major in philosophy? It has been a subject that I adore and I think I wouldn't have fun with other majors. I studied philosophy in my fun time and Ethics was my favorite class. Everyone's reactions to this major are making me question. Is it worth majoring in what I feel so passionate about?

What advice could you give me to learn how to better manage my time?
I am currently doing tenth grade in my school, I am a programming technologist, I study English and sometimes I feel that I do not manage my time well with the rest of the personal things I do in my day to day