What are extracurricular activities I can be involved in as an alternative to a sport?
I am not an athletic person, or a big fan of sports, so I’d like to know what other activities I can be involved in as a sort of “alternative.”
#sports #extracurricular #activities
4 answers
Monty’s Answer
Kim makes some great points and good direction. I'm going to add a sports angle. All teams needs some behind the scenes help. Consider being a stats person for a team. Ask coaches if they need a team manager. Perhaps work a scoreboard for a sport you like. Whoever runs the intramural sports of the school, ask if you can help organize the teams or schedules or game day administration. Most sports need help on game days (setting up the field, getting equipment to the field or court, working a ticket booth). Explore some of those options of your favorite sport. All the best and most of all make it fun.
Kim’s Answer
Hello! This is a great question. I would suggest seeking out clubs or organizations that align with your interests. For example, if you are interested in politics, you may want to join a student government association at your school. If you are in arts/music, your school may have a club or group who focus on these types of activities. Good luck in your search!
Kim recommends the following next steps:
Antonio’s Answer
Go with what naturally interest you. It may not be the sport itself but could be something relating to sports. It could be something totally out of the realm of sports all together. Whatever peaks your interest start there. Research the interest. Possibly set a follow up with to try out what interest you to see if its really what you desire.
Kim’s Answer
Go with what you are interested in. There are always clubs and programs available ranging from theater to newspaper to audio visual to tutoring. If you want to go the sports route you can always be a manager, trainer or statistician. Take a good look at what you are passionate about and match up those interest. The guidance department is another area that can help give direction. It is great to stay involved and follow your interests.