1 answer
If I was going to a 12 month long trade school and I was 7 months in when my brother David died. And when my brother passed away I got really depressed and my admission advisor gave me some time off to grieve over my brother. I was supposed to start my classes again in October 2023. So I wanted to ask if I can get back into my combination welding A.S.A.P and continue where I left off. What was only 3 months left. I completed 7 months out of the 12 month?
If I have my brothers Death Certificate can that be used as a reliable excuse to get back into school and continue where I had left off at?
1 answer
CJ’s Answer
First, I am sorry about your brother’s passing. That can be really hard, especially when young. The only place that can answer by asking the trade school. Ask your advisor what options are available. Maybe you could take an assessment to demonstrate you have retained what has been taught.
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