2 answers
I want to be a police officer but I really don't know how to go about it or which institution I should attend ?
I need help in navigating through college and also finding the right institution to go for and also I need guidance in pursuing a career in the police force
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2 answers
Kim’s Answer
Thank you for your interest in law enforcement!
North Iowa Area Community College offers a 2 yr degree in Criminal Justice, that should be suitable for your career goals. https://www.niacc.edu/human-and-public-services/criminal-justice-degree/
I would encourage you to wait to get your 4 yr degree after you start working. Why? Most departments offer some form of tuition assistance!
In law enforcement, the states generally set the minimum required standards. Agencies may set additional standards. for example: https://www.siouxcitypolice.com/qualifications
A degree alone may or may not be enough to land a job with an agency. I encourage you to do more to become a "well-rounded" applicant. Some things you may want to consider:
1. military or JROTC experience
2. ability to be comfortable around people of diverse cultures
3. teamwork and leadership (band, etc)
4. accustomed to physical activity - sports
5. work experience. Preferably something working face to face with the public - tour guide, cashier, movie theater.
6. look into youth Explorer post tied to law enforcement, or a "citizens police academy."
Please take the time to review the qualifications, above. When applying to a police department, it will be critical that you submit the application packet completely filled out, be honest, follow all instructions, etc.
hope this helps you along in your journey!
Thank you for your interest in law enforcement!
North Iowa Area Community College offers a 2 yr degree in Criminal Justice, that should be suitable for your career goals. https://www.niacc.edu/human-and-public-services/criminal-justice-degree/
I would encourage you to wait to get your 4 yr degree after you start working. Why? Most departments offer some form of tuition assistance!
In law enforcement, the states generally set the minimum required standards. Agencies may set additional standards. for example: https://www.siouxcitypolice.com/qualifications
A degree alone may or may not be enough to land a job with an agency. I encourage you to do more to become a "well-rounded" applicant. Some things you may want to consider:
1. military or JROTC experience
2. ability to be comfortable around people of diverse cultures
3. teamwork and leadership (band, etc)
4. accustomed to physical activity - sports
5. work experience. Preferably something working face to face with the public - tour guide, cashier, movie theater.
6. look into youth Explorer post tied to law enforcement, or a "citizens police academy."
Please take the time to review the qualifications, above. When applying to a police department, it will be critical that you submit the application packet completely filled out, be honest, follow all instructions, etc.
hope this helps you along in your journey!
Kevin’s Answer
You seem to have asked three questions, which college should you attend, how to navigate through college, and how to pursue a career in the police department. When I write a question , such as yours, or write anything, I reread what I wrote and ask myself if this understandable, have I said it clearly, will the reader know exactly what I want so I get the very best information. In a advanced high school or Junior College English class you will learn how to write very clear, and report writing is a very important part of police work. A friend of mine went into the local police academy in the county where he lived, and upon graduation was hired by the county Sheriff Department. He went to the main Sheriff's office near his home and found out about the academy, how to apply and wait for the background checks. His county Sheriffs' department hired him after graduation, not so much due to his performance as everyone who passes is equally qualified, but because what county needs new recruits. So, you can look in to your county and those nearby.
Second, now that you know report writing is important as every call and stop you make will need a report, you will do yourself a big favor if you know how to write a complete paragraph with good sentence structure. Your superiors will read your reports and they will reflect your competency, and i be you always want to look as good as possible to those who will decide your assignments and promotions. So an associates degree from a junior college is a great idea to set you apart from others who may not have good writing skills.
Most reports will need to have 2 types of paragraphs Descriptive Paragraphs provide vivid details to help the reader visualize a scene, object, or person; and Narrative Paragraphs tell a story or recount an event.
As far as picking out colleges, many different factors are involved, affordability is usually met with the first two years at a Junior college (JC). Then with your 2 year AA degree you will be a good candidate for a local police academy. Again, stopping in your local Sheriff's or Police department will give you a lot of information. Visit colleges and talk to some one in admissions, and your high school counselors may be helpful.
Many go into military service and after 2, 3 or 4 years have matured, developed good habits in becoming an adult, and get the benefit of free college as a benefit of being in the military.
How you navigate through college is how you navigate through everything in life, know what your goals are, have a plan to achieve that goal and be focused on working the plan first, then play on the side. Change your plan as you go along, a big part of life for everyone is understanding the importance of "trial and error" you try doing something a certain way, you reflect on how its going, and you make changes to make sure your are getting what you want out of life. I tried sales jobs, retail jobs, and then went to college as each job helped me refine what I wanted to do in life, and I was never afraid to change if my plan was not working as fast or as good as I wanted. Sounds like you have a bright future ahead of you!!!
Second, now that you know report writing is important as every call and stop you make will need a report, you will do yourself a big favor if you know how to write a complete paragraph with good sentence structure. Your superiors will read your reports and they will reflect your competency, and i be you always want to look as good as possible to those who will decide your assignments and promotions. So an associates degree from a junior college is a great idea to set you apart from others who may not have good writing skills.
Most reports will need to have 2 types of paragraphs Descriptive Paragraphs provide vivid details to help the reader visualize a scene, object, or person; and Narrative Paragraphs tell a story or recount an event.
As far as picking out colleges, many different factors are involved, affordability is usually met with the first two years at a Junior college (JC). Then with your 2 year AA degree you will be a good candidate for a local police academy. Again, stopping in your local Sheriff's or Police department will give you a lot of information. Visit colleges and talk to some one in admissions, and your high school counselors may be helpful.
Many go into military service and after 2, 3 or 4 years have matured, developed good habits in becoming an adult, and get the benefit of free college as a benefit of being in the military.
How you navigate through college is how you navigate through everything in life, know what your goals are, have a plan to achieve that goal and be focused on working the plan first, then play on the side. Change your plan as you go along, a big part of life for everyone is understanding the importance of "trial and error" you try doing something a certain way, you reflect on how its going, and you make changes to make sure your are getting what you want out of life. I tried sales jobs, retail jobs, and then went to college as each job helped me refine what I wanted to do in life, and I was never afraid to change if my plan was not working as fast or as good as I wanted. Sounds like you have a bright future ahead of you!!!