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Ashwin Jiwane’s Avatar

Ashwin Jiwane

Software Engineer / Technical Product
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
4 Answers
14828 Reads
12 Karma

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C’s Avatar
C Jul 22, 2020 1512 views

What's the one thing you would do differently if you could travel back in time to where you started your career / coding journey?

As a self-taught web developer, at some point during my coding journey, I got distracted and switched to a different language just out of curiosity. (switch from JavaScript to Python). Three months later, I realized that Python or Data science isn't really my thing. (I definitely see the...

Shaima’s Avatar
Shaima Sep 10, 2020 3704 views

Computer Science Degree in Football Analytics?

Hi! So Im a current Computer Science major that really wants to work in the football industry. I'd like a job where I can be hands-on with the team by presenting stats and data, and being able to break down film with coaches and also be able to be there during practice/games. Is there a job...

Tien’s Avatar
Tien Apr 27, 2020 9141 views

What should I choose between Technology or Business , I prefer both but which is more benefit and easy to get the job irl ?

I always chasing my dream since it no more my dreams then it will be my goal #success #business #technology #career

John’s Avatar
John Apr 27, 2020 885 views

How do I go about getting scholarships for my masters degree program?

I am a student of Information and communications engineering, I have keen interest in the fields of information security, IoT and software development. I am currently a 4th year student of Covenant University in Nigeria, I am looking to do my masters in the field of software engineering in...