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Jackie McNeil’s Avatar

Jackie McNeil

Engagement Leader - ADP
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Wyckoff, New Jersey
5 Answers
8728 Reads
52 Karma

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Ramsey’s Avatar
Ramsey Aug 03, 2020 1064 views

What is it like working in HR?

A was browsing a list of careers on the internet, and I came across Human Resources. It definitely sparked my interest, so I did some more research. I could really see myself going into HR, but i would like a little more information. For example, what does a typical day consist of? Do you make...

rana’s Avatar
rana May 14, 2020 3570 views

How do I get volunteer experience to find a job in business management?

I am in college studying business management. I am looking for job but because of less work experience I can not get job. Now I am looking for volunteer opportunities to get me some experience. #business #management #business-management #volunteer

chadrack’s Avatar
chadrack May 16, 2020 1258 views

When can start volunteering?

I am very great person believing that everything is possible if you put on mind into, i feel good when i help somebody and bring joy to people face .#Technology

Urvi’s Avatar
Urvi May 01, 2020 3282 views

Whats a good profession if you like talking to people and have tech background

#tech #suggestions #friendly #lovetalking #curious