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Pat Fullman’s Avatar

Pat Fullman

Credit Analyst
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Arlington, Virginia
5 Answers
9749 Reads
21 Karma

Active Locations

Teresa’s Avatar
Teresa Apr 23, 2020 5814 views

Skills Required for a Financial Analyst

#internship #business #finance #career #financialanalyst #analyst #skills

danieh’s Avatar
danieh May 03, 2020 2659 views

How can I make the best connections on linkedin as a high school student

I'm a 16-year-old high school student in grade 11, aspiring to pursue a future in the business industry. Subjects like economics, and information technology interest me and I hope to gain more knowledge in those areas. #business #technology #student #highschool #sfu #economics

David’s Avatar
David Aug 16, 2018 683 views

What does forbearance mean? and what are they ?

#finance student loans college studnet​ loans and option if you cant pay ba​ck

Abdulwahab’s Avatar
Abdulwahab Jan 07, 2017 1017 views

What would be a reasonable salary range to expect if I entered Finance?

Am a Finance student currently and was wondering what would be a reasonable salary range to expect if I entered this field? And what is the long-term potential? #college #business #finance #money #career-advancement #financial-planning

Devin’s Avatar
Devin Oct 21, 2018 876 views

How is a finance major's daily life at work like

#college-major #finance #business