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Michael K’s Avatar

Michael K

Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
5 Answers
14606 Reads
1 Karma

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Nicole’s Avatar
Nicole May 18, 2016 17173 views

What would be the best minor to pair with a major in accounting, in terms of helping get a job?

My major is currently set as accounting as I start college in the fall, but I am still unsure what the best path is for determining a minor. I know I am interested mostly in business, but don't know exactly what else to study besides accounting. #business #accounting #job #major #future-careers...

COdy’s Avatar
COdy Jan 28, 2020 1370 views

How do you get rich?

I play basketball but i want to go into business and marketing. #marketing #business #sports #business-management #communication

Salma’s Avatar
Salma May 06, 2020 2184 views

What can I do to make money?

Hello! I have been thinking and got an idea to sell something for some money. I am not sure what I would like to sell or do to make some money. If there is any ideas that you guys have, please let me know and any tips that you guys can give me that would be great! Just to remind you guys, I am...

Nancy’s Avatar
Nancy Apr 29, 2020 4877 views

Where Do I Start Investing For Beginner ?

I keep hearing about investing some money, so I decided to give it a try.
But I need help?
How do I start investing?
What app is good for investing?

#finance #accounting #investment-management #money #career #COVID19 #Help #money

Jiwanjot’s Avatar
Jiwanjot May 05, 2020 1938 views

For a banking job what kind of course required?

I am a student and enrol in business diploma. #student #business #finance #accounting