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Jesse Ghiorzi’s Avatar

Jesse Ghiorzi

Senior Manager, Brand Development at U/S Sports Advisors
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Indianapolis, Indiana
3 Answers
6209 Reads
16 Karma

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Courtney’s Avatar
Courtney May 10, 2016 1492 views

What types of careers are there in the sports industry?

I know there are things like sports agents, journalism, etc. But is there a good market for other types of careers in the sports industries? People always say to get a career in something you love, and I love sports. It's something I am the most passionate about. I don't think I am cut out to...

Ezaan’s Avatar
Ezaan Oct 28, 2015 2403 views

What is the best country to play soccer in?

what is the best country to play soccer in #soccer #professional-sports

Kalyn’s Avatar
Kalyn Oct 29, 2015 1898 views

What are some majors I can take with doing sports management

Other majors that I can get while also getting my degree for sports management but nothing thats overwhelming . Also something that can work well with my first degree (sports management) #management #sports #majors #football #manager