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Chrissy Caldwell’s Avatar

Chrissy Caldwell

Communications Specialist
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Fairfax, Virginia
2 Answers
17742 Reads
31 Karma

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Marie’s Avatar
Marie May 12, 2020 4028 views

would it be a good idea to work with your best friend?

I dont think it is but I would like different type of perspective

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina Feb 04, 2017 15371 views

What will make you stand out at a job interview?

Hey! I was just wondering what could make me stand out a little when I go to a job interview. Would it be something that I would say, something that I would do, or something else? Thank you! #business #medicine #teaching #law #technology #interviews #information-technology #customer-service