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Diali E. Coll-Mercado’s Avatar

Diali E. Coll-Mercado

Global Security Management
Management Occupations - Military Specific Occupations
Orlando, Florida
3 Answers
2299 Reads
1 Karma

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Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Aug 17, 2016 1387 views

what should im study in high school if I want to work in the CIA or become a police?

I want to know what are good classes to take in school when I can. #police-officer #security #police-field-training

Carolina’s Avatar
Carolina May 13, 2020 889 views

Does law school do a good job in showing a little bit of each field?

I would love to be a medical lawyer but I want to know if law school would explain to me a little more about what the field entails. #law #lawyer #attorney

Kelly’s Avatar
Kelly May 18, 2016 994 views

What qualifications are you looking for in a newly graduate person?

Want to know for future reference, I like to hear from the professional side. #career-counseling #career #hiring #college