Career questions tagged resumes

How do I write a college resume and what should I put on it?
I would like to be a teacher, specifically teaching music (band director), math, and German. If I got German awards in middle school should I put them on my resume? Is there any template for doing so?

What should you include in your resume if you're a student with little experience/ skills?
Looking to develop a resume that is effective and stands out, but I'm a high school student without much experience or skills. Are there any things you can include that someone reviewing your resume would find useful to know? Does the fact that I volunteer as a teacher assistant or that I'm oldest to 5 children make any difference? Would really appreciate guidance! #resume #resume-writing #resumes #evaluating-resumes #experience #interviewing-skills #interview #interviews #interviewing #interview-preparation #writing

Do resumes need to be one page?
Hi, I'm attempting to become an "officer" in a club at my college and they want to see a resume. My boyfriend is a part of this club and he told me that my resume needs to be one page, that jobs only want to see one page anyways. Is this true? The job application my father helped me make it 2. #resume #resume-writing #evaluating-resumes #resumes #job-application