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Nick Gonella’s Avatar

Nick Gonella

Security Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Pleasanton, California
3 Answers
3726 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations

Armando’s Avatar
Armando Mar 16, 2018 1512 views

What are some great resources, websites, or techniques that I can use to continue developing my programming skills?

I want to retain and improve what I'm learning in class in terms of coding skills as well as learning new languages and skills. #programming #cyber-security

Gabrielle’s Avatar
Gabrielle Jun 27, 2018 1372 views

I would like to have a job as an Ethical Hacker when I grow up. Please answer some questions I have below.

How many years did it take to find a job? Do you have any friends that are going to the same workplace you're currently working at? How many hours do you work each week? Does your career allow you to have a pet and significant other?


Alora’s Avatar
Alora May 27, 2020 1407 views

Which major should I go for to get my dream job?

I’m starting college in the fall and I’m going for a double major. My end goal is to help find sex trafficking victims online. I’m not interested or capable of doing field work. I’ll be going for computer sciences but I can’t decide if social work or criminal justice would be the right way to...