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Stanley Friedman’s Avatar

Stanley Friedman

Retired Captain at Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Protective Service Occupations - Military Specific Occupations
Hercules, California
6 Answers
11202 Reads
31 Karma

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Steven’s Avatar
Steven May 22, 2018 1132 views

How did you know you wanted to become in law enforcement? What drove you?

#Police #Law Enforcement #Law #Criminal justice #law-enforcement #police-office

Montana’s Avatar
Montana Oct 23, 2015 1582 views

As a detective would I have to go through different stages in law enforcement?

My name is Montana Goodman and I am looking into being a detective. I was told that if you wanted to be a detective you would have to be an officer of some sort. I am not really that sure if it's true or not? #law #enforcement

josh’s Avatar
josh May 17, 2016 1494 views

What factors should I consider between becoming a police officer or a sheriff?

If it matters, I live in an urban area (the bay area) #police #law-enforcement #police-officer

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren May 25, 2016 3085 views

Is it possible to be a police officer before you finish college? Is it something I could do while taking classes in forensics, just to get experience? What are the best colleges for forensic science or psychology? Or even criminology?

I am currently looking into a career relating to forensics and criminology. I am not sure exactly what I want to do yet, but would love to explore options. #law-enforcement #forensic

Mario R.’s Avatar
Mario R. May 06, 2016 1991 views

Is law enforcement a viable career to raise a family?

I'm considering law enforcement as a career but I'm unsure if the pay is enough to sustain a family, particularly in the Los Angeles area. #police #law-enforcement #police-officer

NA’s Avatar
NA Mar 12, 2014 2018 views

What is a forensics science technician?

I am asking this question because I am not sure what that is. #law-enforcement #forensics #fbi