Career questions tagged forensics

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kaylie1395 views

questions for forensic pathologists?

1. Can you tell me about the types of tasks you are responsible for on a day-to-day basis? 2. What do you enjoy most about your career? 3. What is most challenging about your career? 4. What are some skills and personality traits necessary to perform your job? 5. What are some misconceptions about your career? 6. On a scale of 1-10 how gruesome is some of the work? 7. How long did it take for you to get your degree? 8. what school did you graduate from? 9. how difficult is the job 1-10? 10. How do you balance this career with your personal life? 11. Do you have any advice for someone wanting to enter into this field?

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Maddy295 views

What kind of courses should I take if I wish to go into forensics in the future?

I am in 9th grade, and I wish to know what type of courses to take in 10th grade for my future in forensics.

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Alina987 views

Im Completely lost within myself and my future college choice, please help!!!

Hi! Im currently a Senior in high-school, around the Dmv area. I have never really thought about what I wanted to have a degree in or in general what lies ahead of me. In the beginning of the school year i was thinking about majoring in Nursing specifically wanting to be a PICU Nurse. But later on realized My family can't afford to spend that much money but also wasn't planning on being in school for a long time. Then around like November, I was thinking about majoring in Forensic, and after having a not so friendly encounter with a Forensic Teacher in a different school, i felt unmotivated. But now I'm either thinking about joining the Marines/ Train to become a State Cop/or just go back to forensic. Especially since i have already applied to 2 Universities for Forensic Science and BioTechnology (Pre-Forensic Studies). I know it might sound cheesy but i just want to work to give me parents someone to rely on, Im the oldest out of my siblings and I don't know what I'm doing on CommonApp. Ive been just putting information I know and later on asking friends and my parents about other things. Im First-Gen and I very exhausted and overwhelmed. Please help!!

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Lornah570 views

How is forensic science a better career to study and what is the difference between the other forensic careers

How is forensic science a better career to study and what is the difference between the other forensic careers

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Anabia1316 views

Can we choose to be Forensic Psychologist if we are in Humanities stream?

I'm in tenth grade, and I really have interest in forensic psychology and I going to opt for humanities stream, is there future in forensic psychology? How many years does it take to complete the course and is there any future in it?

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starla951 views

how can I get into forensics or become detective ?

how can I get into forensics or become detective? I would really like to become one because I love mystery and gore. how can I get experience? please help me I really want this career path and what college would I want to get into to get the best education I can?

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Miyuto1007 views

How can i figure out what i want to do in the forensic field?

I'm a 14 year old high school freshman and recently was assigned a project asking where i see myself in 10 years and it got me thinking. I've had a feeling of wanting to do something involving forensics, like forensic psychology, biology, pathology, etc. so i was thinking maybe CSI? I'm really interested in the investigation of crime scenes and human remains but I've also considered mortuary science. How do i know what i want to do, and what are some things i should start planning/setting in motion now if i want to get a degree? Sorry if my question is vague

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sky942 views

how long does it take to become a forensic physcoloigist?

im in grade 10 in Canada and just wondering what post-secondary courses you need to complete and how long they are to be a forensic physiologist. any help is great!!

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Aspen416 views

What are some of the biggest challenges you face in forensic science, and how do you navigate them?

What are some of the biggest challenges you face in forensic science, and how do you navigate them? #Fall24 As a senior in high school, I am interested in the field of forensic science. I have always loved watching and playing games that include finding clues and solving a crime. I also think that gathering the evidence and processing it would be fun too. I enjoy watching forensic science technicians get fingerprints off of surfaces as well.

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Sophia529 views

What are the best areas to live in for a criminal justice degree?

More specifically working in forensics labs behind the scenes.

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Stephanie665 views

Careers in Academia vs Industry?

Hello all! Recently, my professor asked me if I've ever considered a career in academia after reading one of my essays... which made me wonder what academia is and what the experience is like (beyond getting a PhD). I'm not sure what I want to do with my life, I like computer engineering (the idea of building something like a robot, etc), but I also really like forensic studies and the topics. I'm a third year student in university. So, here are my questions: If you're in academia, why do you pick it? What's something you wish you knew before starting? Would you work in industry? What are pros and cons of your job? If you're in industry, why do you pick it? What's something you wish you knew? Would you work in academia? What are pros and cons of your job?

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sky759 views

What field of forensics should i do?

So I'm a grade 10 high school student. Very interested in pursuing forensics when I'm older. Currently, I'm between labs and psychology. I was wondering mainly what the biggest difference is in the courses you must take to do one or the other. Both are very very interesting to me I'm just wondering about the workload.

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Kali2075 views

How hard is it to get a job is forensic psychology?

I'd like to go to Western Carolina for forensic psychology and soon get a job in this field but I worry the job may be hard to get into.

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Rebecca1045 views

Does working to get a dual or double major take up a lot of your free time?

I'm in high school currently. I am interested in both Criminology and Forensic Science and I haven't been able to find a major/career that incorporates both, so I am thinking of double or dual majoring.

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Lyla (Lyl)615 views

how time consuming can being a CSI or forensic technician be?

asking all CSIs! how time consuming is being a CSI or a forensic technitions? the movies and TV shows (like the CSI series from the 2000s if anyone knows of that) seem to glamorize it a little and I was wondering what the real world version would be. When I'm older I would like to have two cats and I was wondering if I'd really have enough time to keep them healthy and play with them. I also don't know if this website reaches to different countries but I was wondering if anyone had any experience being a CSI in the UK? I want to move there when I'm older and would like to know more about it.

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Lyla (Lyl)829 views

if I wanted to go into law enforcement and got snakebite piercings would taking those out before work be okay also if I dyed the underside of my hair or got tattoos in easily hideable areas would that be okay? ?

Just wondering because I would love to get more piercings, more specifically snakebites but based off the small amount of research I have done I know facial piercings are not allowed in law enforcement according to the dress code. would taking out piercings before work/on days I'm on duty be okay or would that not be tolerated? Also would I get in trouble if I had them in while off duty? say, hanging out with work friends? Also how does this rule apply to people in the forensic unit? I'm looking to get into law enforcement like being a homicide detective or have something to do with forensics like a CSI or something and I don't know if the rules change for those different things.

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Rebecca564 views

Are there careers that incorporate Forensic Science and Criminology in daily tasks?

My dream career would involve criminal profiling, investigating, crime scene investigation and forensic analysis all in one. I'm looking for a career that is as close to that as possible.

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sky1691 views

What courses and requirements do i need to be forensic scientist?

Im in grade ten my first year of high school. so im interested in being a forensic scientist. I want to work in crime labs analyzing data and such. I'm also interested in the psychology aspect of forensics. there is a joint Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science at MUN the college I'm interested in. I was wondering if I could be a Forensic Scientist with a major in criminology and a major in chemistry (bio). what high school courses id have to take to be able to go to college or university for this? I want to know what I exactly have to do and what courses to take to be a forensic scientist

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graves1057 views

how do i ask to interview someone/get someone to agree to an interview?

i'm in 8th grade and i'm doing a school project on forensic pathology. i really want to get a first-hand source by interviewing someone who works in the field, but i don't know how to approach asking someone. my biggest concern is that i'll come off as joking or not be taken seriously because of my age. how do i reach out to people to interview them and be taken seriously?

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Max2017 views

How should I decide what career path to follow?

There are multiple different things I want to study, but they’re all different from each other and I wont be able to use them all in whatever career I choose. How should I choose which one to study?

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Gabby1071 views

What are High School classes needed to become a crime scene cleaner ?

Anything would be helpful.

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Grace1074 views

What are some possible career paths that I could take?

I am currently majoring in Anthropology (with a focus in biological anthropology) and in Mathematics. I like both subjects, but I’m more interested in anthropology. I’m trying to figure out career paths that could possibly combine these two. I also have an interest in forensic anthropology. I’m just not sure what to do with my life career wise so if anyone could give some advice that would be great.

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S756 views

What to do if I have no APs/Honors/Extracurriculars (a shy homeschooled Junior in HS who wants to pursue either becoming a lawyer or something in the forensic science area)?

I feel very behind and stressed because though I do make good grades, I know that I should have at least a few of these things but I don’t. I know the best way is for me to just do something about it but I’m not sure on how to go about it. I also feel stressed because I’m not 100% for sure which career path I should pursue: law or forensic science. I will take any advice. Do you think that it would be a good idea if I take any APs/Honors next year or will it be too late? I was thinking of taking dual enrollment next year and some CLEP exams this year. And, what extracurriculars should I do as of now, and for my senior year—ones that match the careers i want to do or a variety of different things that interest me? (sorry if i got off topic!!!) Thank you in advance because any help/advice will be appreciated!

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Nekesha533 views

Associates in Criminal Justice a waste of time if wanting to become a Forensic Anthropologist ?

Hello everyone. I want to become a Forensic Anthropologist and I know it's a lot of work and schooling which is fine. But I enrolled in a Community College recently to up my GPA from the last College I attended which was another Community College. I was okay with this plan until I 1) spoke with an advisor who wanted me to do an add on certificate, which I really don't believe I need. She also totally ignored the bigger picture of what I wanted to do by getting my PHD later on. 2) I realized after doing additional research that I merely need a Bachelor's degree in Anthropology, plus my Master's and PHD to get into Forensic Anthropology. Making my current degree track in Criminal Justice useless? My question is should I get my associates in Criminal Justice? Would it be an asset to me later on? Or is it a massive waste of time and I should consider transferring after a year? Any advice would be great, thanks!

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Halie1430 views

Should I get my masters in criminology or sociology?

I am graduating with a bachelors in Criminal Justice with concentration in Crime and Criminology this year.... and I am looking on going into my masters. I want to do something within forensic sociology - criminologist, detective, forensics things like that. I am wondering what would be better, a masters in sociology or masters in criminology? I have done research and it said either works but what would be best? I do have a minor in sociology (School wouldn't let me double major). I talked to a few of my professors and they also all said it doesn't really matter. I am also looking into getting a Ph.D but what I get that in will depend on what I get for my masters.

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Trinity490 views

How can I find on-the-job training for forensic science?

I’m interested in working in the forensic science field, specifically as a crime scene investigator or a forensic biologist. I’m going to college in a small town with an average crime rate.

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Jeryana703 views

#spring23 In forensics, how do you know when to look into something or when to leave it alone or how to gage its significance?

I love forensics and I always get caught up in the details that don't really have significance in the case, but I'm not sure how to tell if a detail is significant in that particular matter.

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Yasmin682 views

What are some colleges that will help me get a degree in forensic scientist?

in California

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kennedy626 views

What path do I need to take to fulfill my future career in Forensic Science?

What path do I need to take to fulfill my future career in forensic science? What Classes do you recommend I take in my high school years? what mindset should I have?

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Melissa769 views

What jobs are there in the forensic field?

I want to major in forensics and what career can I make out of it?

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