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3 Questions
335 Karma

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Isabella Jun 15, 2020 709 views

Environmentalists: What do you wish you knew before starting out at your job?

I am planning on majoring in an environmental field in college and I was wondering if you could let me know what you wished you knew before starting your career. Is there anything you would change about your education or your experiences before pursuing your career? #science #college #career...

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Isabella Jun 15, 2020 596 views

What educational requirements are needed when applying for a job as an conservation scientist?

I am interested in studying environmental studies or science in college and I was wondering what classes I may need to take in order to be qualified for a career as a conservation scientist or in a sustainable-focused work environment.
#science #college #sustainability #conservation

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Isabella Jun 15, 2020 1083 views

What are the possible careers one can pursue after majoring in environmental studies?

I am interested in studying environmental studies and dance in college and was wondering what careers others have pursued after earning a degree in environmental studies. How were you offered a job opportunity? What kind of resources were available to you during college that helped you prepare...