Roxanne’s Career Goals
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what careers can i look into that are work from home and easy start up? or work that can be done on my own downtime (late evening)
looking for options while home with son during covid...are there any jobs that are steady in income and can be done in the evenings or during certain hours..
#need a plan

In your opinion, has getting a certification in something made it easier and beneficial with getting a position with what was studied?
ive got alot of experience in medical billing / coding / collections ....will i make more with the cert?
#teamharper #adulted #medicalbillingandcoding #medcollections #july20

Starting school again was hard for financial reasons and being a single mom....has anyone else had to hold off on schooling due to financial reasons and how did you find a way to make things work?
Im a single mom and unsure how to start back up when i just lost my fulltime job and also need to find a job to pay for rent. #singlemomlife #career

im 37 and about to enter college again...whats the oldest someone has started back and what was the most difficult part of attending college courses for you?
ive been in the medical field but most recent position was in manufacturing. #unsurewhattodo