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Rodney Ballard’s Avatar

Rodney Ballard

Research & Development
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Memphis, Tennessee
2 Answers
4872 Reads
11 Karma

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Rainer’s Avatar
Rainer Apr 25, 2020 2073 views

How much should a mechanical engineer know about electronics and communication system?

I would like to know what is the necessary background to understand it and apply it in the field. Is it good if I am well versed with electronics, electrical and communications system? Will I get a chance to apply it in projects?#engineering #electrical-engineering #electrical...

Claudine’s Avatar
Claudine Jun 02, 2020 2986 views

What are some things I could start doing in high school to help me prepare to study Biomechanics?

#college , #engineering