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Adam Pena’s Avatar

Adam Pena

Medical Device Sales
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
San Antonio, Texas
5 Answers
10529 Reads
12 Karma

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Veronica’s Avatar
Veronica Jul 29, 2020 1073 views

What are examples of things I should keep in mind when attending college in order to be successful?

I am currently a rising senior that is starting to apply for BSN programs in the US.

#JULY #july20 #nurse #nursingstudent #nursing #college #school #advice

Nancy’s Avatar
Nancy Jul 29, 2020 1461 views

Why is it hard to build my network and find a mentor in my field of study?

I am an IT major. I tried my best to build my network and find a mentor, but it's really hard. Maybe, I am not doing it the right way. I need help....building my network, finding a mentor.....almost EVERYTHING. Technology might be in demand, but it's really hard to find a job without...

A’s Avatar
A Jul 21, 2020 1770 views

Becoming a footballer, is it a challenging process?

I was dreaming to become a footballer since I was young, Is there any relevant between education and footballer?
#sports #footballer #physical education

Madelynne’s Avatar
Madelynne Jul 29, 2020 1588 views

What are some tips for preparing for a future career while in college?

I am a college student and wondering what are some practical steps I can take right now to prepare for my future and my career after I graduate. What are some ways that I can build my resume and gain experience while still managing and doing well in school? #career #prepared #JULY #JULY20...

Arisa’s Avatar
Arisa May 30, 2020 4901 views

What are some back up professions or careers?

I'm thinking about going into the medical field and I know that it's tough. Even though it'd be a dream to study medicine, I figured that I should be on the safe side and have a backup job I can fall back on if things don't work out. Any suggestions for those kinds of jobs? #job #medicine...