Career questions tagged nursingstudent

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NatalieHazelJun 18, 2024881 views

My experience at Los Angeles Pierce College’s Nursing Program - Important!

My experience at Los Angeles Pierce College’s Nursing Program - Important! Los Angeles Pierce College has a 2-year ADN nursing program located in the valley of Southern California that's got one of the highest NCLEX pass rates at around 100% year after year. But what they do not tell you is how ridiculously low their graduation rate is. At first glance, an amateur person hoping to begin a career in nursing might think that a super high NCLEX pass rate is a good thing. One should understand though that any school can have a very high NCLEX pass rate if they make sure that only the top 25-35% of students make it to graduation. You admit a group of 35 very smart and determined students and you compare them to one another with the goal of "weeding out" the bottom half no matter how smart, how capable the whole is. You turn your program into a Hunger Games battle arena where it doesn't matter how low the exam average is, but how you compare to the rest of the class. You make the program so incredibly difficult that only the most cut-throat few students make it through and the NCLEX exam is far easier by comparison. After speaking to the cohorts above me, I had learned that only 13 students out of an original class size of 33 made it to graduation last Fall, 2023. They also have no problem failing students in the 4th semester. These are stats that should concern anyone thinking about applying to LAPC for Nursing. (Moorpark college is just as bad). There are plenty of other better ADN programs in So Cal such as LAVC, LASW, SMC, or COTC. A private college if you can afford it. Any of these colleges will have much better, higher graduation rates than LA Pierce & Moorpark. Pay attention to the NCLEX pass rates, make sure they are reasonable and ALWAYS check ratemyprofessor reviews of who you are entrusting to give you a solid nursing education. I had witnessed many students from my cohort being forced out of the program who I strongly believe should not have been. I had found myself using knowledge from my prior medical background to help answer the ridiculous exam questions that have little to do with the class material & lectures. The students I saw failing the program tend to have older Prerequisites or little former hospital work experience. It is very difficult to compete against Licensed Vocational Nurses, surgical Techs, and Paramedics who have a lot more extensive medical knowledge coming into the program than you do. Their Nursing Fundamentals course is a disaster and is deliberately used as the "boot out course" to reduce the class size for 2nd semester. Exam averages are always very low for Nursing 400 and questions are deliberately worded terribly to knock students' grades down. The Final exam middle score was 69% for us when 76% is a minimal passing score. The upper quartile on Canvas shows 74.8% meaning at least 3/4s of my cohort failed the Final. They do not round up your grade if its slightly below 76% overall and they do not curve the Final. I overheard them say theres only 20 or so clinical spots open for students coming into 2nd semester, they intentionally reduce the size of the cohort to accommodate it. They enroll many more students into the program than there are seats in 2nd Semester in order to have a greater contest and pool to weed from. Although their Fundamentals instructor is incredibly rude and incompetent, I believe it is intentional as she is just following the orders of her superiors to boot out a certain fixed number of students to accommodate the lack of clinical sites in the next semester. Expect to lose anywhere from 33 to 50% of your cohort after 1st semester alone. The professor is also unfair with the homework grading and seems to have a gender bias towards women. Me and the other women in my cohort would notice we always got points marked down for HWs with no explanation while a few male students would always receive full credit every time. It may just be a coincidence, but we always hear the professor saying how "more men need to be in the nursing profession" and she comes from a culture with patriarchal values. She's been a professor there for decades. I cannot recommend this program to anyone and I wish I had gone to nursing school elsewhere.

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Active Aug 02, 2024
location iconLos Angeles
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hargunSep 15, 20212046 views

What are some good study habits that will help me in a rigourous major

Hey, I am a nursing student and I never developed any good study habits because ei would do well or at least pass by studying 2 days before the exam but that has not been enough with nursing and I am scared of failing #studyhabits #college #university #nursingstudent #nursing #healthcaremajor #nurse-practitioner #nurse #healthcare

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Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconMiami
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MadelynneJul 29, 20201404 views

What is a typical shift like for a labor and delivery nurse?

I am a sophomore in college and just about to start nursing classes, I am excited about nursing as a career and I am leaning towards working in L&D, but I am not sure, because I have not had experience in that area yet and I am unsure what it would be like. #nurse #nursingstudent #JULY20 #JULY

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Active Dec 22, 2023
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VeronicaJul 29, 20201080 views

What are examples of things I should keep in mind when attending college in order to be successful?

I am currently a rising senior that is starting to apply for BSN programs in the US. #JULY #july20 #nurse #nursingstudent #nursing #college #school #advice

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Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconSan Jose
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WendySep 01, 20171485 views

How would you go about studying for an accelerated nursing program?

I will be starting an accelerated nursing program (1 year program) in November and was looking for any tips or advice to help me succeed. Since this is an accelerated program, I am not sure if my normal study habits will suffice. Nursing programs are normally 2-3 years, so my program will be really fast paced and I need to be prepared. #NursingStudent #nursing #nursing-education

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Active Feb 09, 2024
location iconSan Francisco