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Morli Desai’s Avatar

Morli Desai

Healthcare Support Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
5 Answers
3495 Reads
21 Karma

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Divya’s Avatar
Divya Apr 29, 2016 1003 views

What should be done to improve English grammar ?

I love english very much #mobile-app #b2b-marketing #whitewater-kayaking

Josue’s Avatar
Josue Oct 22, 2016 1096 views

How much time is spent sitting at a desk as an investment banker?

I don't like to sit down a lot but want to be an investment banker. #business #finance #corporate-finance

Roberto’s Avatar
Roberto Jan 23, 2018 768 views

What are some networking opportunities that a marketing major may have over an administration major?

I want to be able to have a high variety of future references for my career after college to be able to build future experience.
#buisness #networking

Jess’s Avatar
Jess Jun 02, 2020 710 views

What are a few free online courses I can take for becoming a pediatrician and interior designer?

I'm a student at the Cleveland School of Science and Medicine at John Hay High School and my career goal is to become a pediatrician and just for fun an interior designer too. #pediatrician #pediatrics

Brinkli ’s Avatar
Brinkli Oct 18, 2017 1505 views

What would be the best major if you want to travel?

Right now I am an International Business major. However, I’m wondering if what I am looking for (to travel) would best suit me in the major of Hospitality and Tourism Management. Which is best? Or are there any others I should consider? #business #travel #college-major #college-majors...