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Karen Reid’s Avatar

Karen Reid

Business Development
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Lewes, Delaware
3 Answers
6376 Reads
1 Karma

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Maria’s Avatar
Maria May 11, 2020 1708 views

Can't decide between psychiatrist or physical therapy

#psychology #psychiatry #medicine #premed #college #career #surgery #physical-therapy #counseling

Kota’s Avatar
Kota May 13, 2020 1538 views

How to start a career in networking ?

I am a student and I want to career in networking how? #networking #cybersecurity#cloud computing #IoT #career

Polina’s Avatar
Polina May 22, 2020 3545 views

How many pages for a resume / CV?


What is the recommended number of pages for a resume / CV? The general consensus​ seems to be saying two sides, however, #resume #job-application #job-search #job #career I have heard from many recruiters and people in general that only one side is preferred. What are your thoughts?