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Brian Eggie’s Avatar

Brian Eggie

Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Voorhees Township, New Jersey
4 Answers
6583 Reads
1 Karma

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Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Oct 02, 2018 4379 views

Is a bachelor's degree enough to get an entry-level job in accounting or do you need a master's?


Amelia’s Avatar
Amelia Jun 16, 2020 1551 views

What are the educational requirements for a career in design and marketing?

I am interested in merging interests in business and art in college and I was wondering what classes I may need to take in order to be prepared for a career in design or marketing. #art #business #design #marketing #college

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Aug 21, 2018 829 views

When considering grad school, what makes an application stand out?

For a grad applicant, what are some things that the programs prefer on a resume and how do I present myself in a way that will give me a leg up? #graduate-school #school

Star’s Avatar
Star Aug 07, 2019 556 views

Heyyy, I'm going to college soon and I can't choose between a PA or NP, can I get thoughts please?

I love neonatal, cosmetics, and women's health. #healthcare