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Faith Figuerres’s Avatar

Faith Figuerres

Finance / Teaching
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Parañaque, Metro Manila, Philippines
5 Answers
11328 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations

Abner’s Avatar
Abner Mar 04, 2019 1302 views

So what is a typical day like for you?

Are you hard worker?
Do you do any extracurricular activities?
Any useful hobbies or skills you might have or partake in?
Are you ok with waking up early or staying late?

Saneen’s Avatar
Saneen Jun 14, 2020 767 views

Can I make a career in fashion without getting a degree that is directly related to fashion?

I'm currently going into my sophomore year and I'm pursuing a degree in International Relations and History with a sequence in Data Science. While I do love these topics I am also really interested in working in the fashion industry. Perhaps going marketing or fashion writing, etc. I really...

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Jun 17, 2020 2981 views

How do I know if this is the best career path for me?

I really wanted to join and experience the opportunities that this program will potentially have to unfold for me, and that truly is me and who I am as person, but there’s definitely more to it I definitely know that. I love helping people in any way shape or form and leaving any type of impact...

goaway’s Avatar
goaway Feb 09, 2019 4953 views

What degree do i need to become a youtube gamer

Im 14 need help
#youtube #games #college #video-games

suki’s Avatar
suki Jun 13, 2020 2273 views

How to read a book effectively if you don’t know the language well?

Hi! I have learned English for about 10years but still can’t manage myself to read a English book faster and effectively. Can someone tell me how you build up your vocabulary enough to read a book effectively. #books #english #language